From the Office 

News From the Principal

Seasons Greetings

This is the last newsletter for 2022. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of the wonderful students, dedicated staff and supportive families a very Merry Christmas and I hope that 2023 brings lots of joy and good fortune to each of you.

I have absolutely loved being a part of the Raywood Primary School Community this year and I can not believe it has been an entire school year since I began. I look forward to the 2023 school year and hope to build upon the great initiatives and hard work we have all done this year. 


To our Year Six Students......

Jacob, Mason and Caleb, I wish each of you the very best for your Secondary School years and beyond. Each of you has such wonderful qualities that you can now share with the wider world. I hope that you will look back over your years as a Raywood Primary School student with fondness and appreciation. I also hope that you will be back to visit us and tell us all about life as a "big kid" . 

Thank you for being our inaugural Values Leaders this year. As representatives of our values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience, each of you have not only displayed these qualities but lead your fellow school friends to also apply these values. 

To our departing families....

I would like to take this opportunity to send a fond farewell to those families that are leaving us at the end of the year, due to their last child graduating or moving.

Kathryn and Chris Taylor have had 3 students educated at our school and after many, many years as a school family, we say a sad goodbye to them as their youngest children, Caleb and Jacob, graduate. Thank you for your support and contributions over the years to our school. 

To Lauren Obrien and Lucas Lorenz we also say a sad goodbye, as Mason graduates this year. We will miss not having a Lorenz student in our school as they always make us smile. Thank you to you both for choosing us as your school and for all that you have done over your time here. 

To Raelene Beattie, we say farewell as Sophia leaves us this year to move to Geelong. We are sad to see her go and wish her well at her new school. Thank you to Raelene for her support and contributions to our school over the past two years. 


To our wider school community...

A big thank you to all of Raywood Community Members who have supported and assisted our school in a variety of ways throughout 2022. A special mention to Audrey Felini, Jan Slorach-Ranson, Kath Lourie and Paul and Marcus (from the Victoria Police), each of you have gone out of your way to help and support our school this year. 


Our Semester Two Student Reports will be sent home on Friday with students. Electronic copies will also be accessible via uEducateus (these reports are available anytime to families using the program- meaning no more lost reports).

If parents/guardians have any questions with regards their child's report, please contact the office to arrange a suitable time to meet /talk  with the relevant staff member. 

Raywood Playgroup Visit

On Monday morning we will be visiting the local playgroup at the Raywood Hall. Students will walk down just befo0re 10am and work with our littlest friends to make some Christmas craft. We will have morning tea and be back at school by 11.30am (to meet some new friends that will be starting at our school in 2023- how exciting).

Can parents/guardians please log onto uEducateus to complete the permission form, thank you in advance. 

School Council

Please do not forget that we are seeking members for our 2023 school council. Our school requires a School Council to operate in line with Department of Education Guidelines. Please see the previous newsletter for additional information or contact Lisa at the school. 


A Generous Donation

Last week we had a visit from Mr Daryl Floyd who heads up the Terry Floyd Foundation. Daryl presented our school with a cheque for $500 as a donation to be used to improve the lives of our students. We are so very grateful to Daryl and the Terry Floyd Foundation, for their continued support of our school. Earlier this year each of our students received a book and a blue ribbon from the foundation. 

We are going to use this donation to boost our savings for our new playground. It will certainly help us reach our total sooner. 

If anyone would like some further information about the Terry Floyd Foundation, head over to to read more about this. 

Year Six Graduation

This event is on this evening. We hope that our three graduating Year Six boys have a fantastic night. Keep an eye out for some photos on our school Facebook Page. 

2023 Family Contributions

As outlined in our previous newsletter and in correspondence sent home last week, we have set our Family Contribution amount to be $150 for 2023. This contribution will go towards individual student supplies (stationery, text books), subscriptions (online programs and aps that students use to compliment their learning) and curriculum consumables (art supplies, copying costs etc.). Arrangements can be made to pay this contribution in instalments over each term, as we understand that it can be difficult to pay the total costs in one hit; please see myself or Bree to arrange this. 

As previously explained, our preferred method is for the school to bulk purchase these items and subscriptions so that your child has them read for the start of the school year and they are exactly what they need. However, some families may wish to purchase and supply these materials and subscriptions themselves and if this is the case, you will need to get a list of itemised materials and subscriptions from Bree in the office (before the end of the school year). 

Thank you to those families who have already made arrangements for payment. 

2023 Bus Arrangements

As we have students graduating this year, we will need to make some minor adjustments to the bus timetable. I will work with the bus company over the January holidays and make the necessary alterations to the run and timetable. I will contact each family directly to inform them of the pick up and drop off times for 2023. 

End of Year Celebration/Excursion

Tomorrow is our end of year whole-school excursion. Thank you to families for logging onto uEdcateus to provide permission and thank you to those families who have forwarded the $25 for the bus and entry costs. 

A reminder that students are required to wear their school uniform tomorrow. They will also need their drink bottle. Morning tea (popcorn, fruit-cups, muesli bars and lunch (sausage sizzle and an icy pole) will be provided, but those students who have specific dietary requirements or do not eat any of the above will need to bring along their own foods. 

Students will arrive and depart from school at the regular times as the excursion takes place during the school day. 


That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy


News from Bree in the Office


Christmas Raffle 


Raffle tickets were due back yesterday. If you are still yet to forward yours, please do so by tomorrow. We will draw the raffle on Monday morning and contact the winners directly. 

A huge thank you to those families and staff who have purchased and sold tickets. 

This fundraising event will contribute greatly to our savings to upgrade our playground. Our plan is to upgrade it in stages, so as we raise sufficient funds we can purchase a new component and remove ones that are unable to be repaired. 





















