Senior School

Welcome to the 2023 school year at Koonung Secondary College. A particularly warm welcome is extended to families who are new to the Koonung community. We would ask all families to take the time to read the newsletter and also the college website and Compass to ensure that they are aware of what is happening within the Koonung Secondary College Community. Compass is regularly updated with important school information and the many activities taking place.
Thank you for entrusting your children’s education to Koonung Secondary College. As a whole school community, it is our goal that the young people in our care strive for their very best by displaying the school values and always having the school moto at the forefront of everything they do “Excellence through Endeavour”.
We began the 2023 school year in a very smooth manner, it is wonderful to see all the students back onsite. The Year 12 cohort started the day with an assembly where they met the Senior School team, and then it was straight into meeting their teachers as formal classes began.
There was a real buzz in the air on Tuesday with the entire school back in action. We welcomed the Year 10 and 11 students who have all grown so much over the summer. Students spent most of the morning eagerly catching up with friends and teachers. But once the formal day started they switched straight into learning mode as they met their new coordinators and moved into their respective classes. Our students seem pleased to be back at school after a long summer break. They are ready to settle into the school routine and look forward to embracing the many learning opportunities and co-curricular activities.
At Koonung, we value a strong sense of school pride and community spirit. We want our students to be proudly representing Koonung through their uniform. Please note, Year 12 jackets are on their way. We hope this enhances the students’ sense of connection and belonging to the school.
Senior School team
Allira Howe Director of Senior School
| Allana Edgell Senior School Administrator | Peter Giapantzakis Year 11 Coordinator
| Glenda Hanslow Year 12 Coordinator | Alistair Tuffnell Year 10 Coordinator
| Peter Scott Senior School Coordinator |
Senior School Testimonials
Year 10
I can’t believe I’m in Senior School, time has gone really fast. I’m really enjoying all my classes and meeting all my teachers. It’s great having electives as I have chosen what I’m interested in. Human Science has been my favourite so far because of the physiology aspect of it. I’m really looking forward to studying English this year as we get to study two really interesting books “Maus” and “Montana”. It’s so good to be back with my friends and hear what subjects they have chosen and what they are learning about. It sounded like everyone had a great summer.
Kat Millar
Year 11
I’m looking forward to challenging myself and working hard. I’m interested in nutritional science or sports science so I’m really happy with the subjects I have chosen for VCE. I’m so happy with my teachers this year, they are really nice people which makes them approachable and in the first few lessons I have had it is obvious they know the content really well. The teachers have set clear standards and goals which really help me to focus and prepare for Year 12. I’m can’t wait for the VCE formal, interschool sports and the House events and its great to be finally allowed in the Senior Centre.
Morgan Benson
Year 12
I’m looking forward to the whole year! I’m enjoying each day with my friends as I know the year will go really quickly but at the same time I know I need to work hard to set myself up for the future. I can’t wait for the Valedictory Dinner, the VCE formal and representing the school in interschool sports for the last time. My goals are to use my study periods wisely, stay on top of my work as well are always revising content along the way. After many Melbourne lockdowns and remote learning, I’m so grateful to spend my last year at school at Koonung.
Christopher Mangonis
Vocation Major
I’m excited to start the VM program and start working. I think this will set me up for adulthood and my future. I’m studying Electro technology at Box Hill Senior Secondary College 1 day a week. I’m currently looking for an apprentice and or work experience in this field. The other side of the program is that I am still at school, I get to see my friends, my teachers and graduate with my cohort. I hope I can be a successful Electrician one day and own my own business.
Guay Dot
- School starts at 8:50am
- Senior Study Centre is open for quiet study from 8am-5pm
- If students are leaving the schools grounds, they must sign out with Allana
- Students and parents must check Compass every day for room and class changes
- Students are encouraged to bring drink bottles in the warmer weather.
- If your child has Physical Education during the day they can wear their PE uniform all day
- Sports equipment can be borrowed at recess and lunchtime from the old Middle School
Allira Howe
Director of Learning: Senior School