Middle Years News

The Middle School team would like to extend a warm welcome to all Koonung families for the 2023 school year!
Please take the time to read the newsletter, the College website and Compass to ensure that they are aware of what is happening within our community.
Our school motto is “Excellence through Endeavour”, and this stands at the core of the work that we do here at Koonung Secondary College.
I want to thank you for entrusting us with the care of your students. We will work in line with the school ethos to ensure the best outcomes for your students throughout their time with us here.
On Monday 30 January, we welcomed 180 new Year 7s to the school with an assembly, before guiding students to their lockers and classes to begin their journeys at Koonung. There were many nervous and excited faces as they met their classmates and teachers, and settled into Secondary College life. The Middle School team would like to extend a huge thank you to the wonderful and supportive members of the Parents and Friends Association who were present to welcome the Year 7 parents with tea and coffee.
Our Year 8 and 9 students rejoined us on Tuesday, looking very refreshed from their summer breaks, and ready to undertake the challenges of the 2023 school year.
For any issues, or students who need additional supports, please remind them that help can be found in A Block. Our dedicated team of coordinators are here to support students with any issues, or even just to have a chat.
Mat Delaney
Director of Learning: Middle School
Middle Years Team
Mathew Delaney Director of Learning: Middle School | Regan Garner Middle School Administrator
| Stuart Kofoed Middle School Coordinator
| Lauren Hughes Year 7 Coordinator
| Kirby Sens Year 8 Coordinator | Sharyn Paspa Year 9 Coordinator