College Notices

Annual privacy reminder
Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.
Please take time to remind yourself of our school’s collection notice, found on our website
For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:
* Amharic
* Arabic
* Dari
* Gujarati
* Mandarin
* Somali
* Sudanese
* Turkish
* Urdu
* Vietnamese.
Student accident insurance arrangements
Families are reminded that neither Koonung Secondary College nor the Department of Education provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents and carers are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport costs. Student accident insurance policies are available from some commercial insurers. These cover a range of medical expenses not covered by Medicare or private health insurance.
It is recommended that families seek assistance in this matter with their insurance broker or find a suitable personal accident insurer.
Occupational Health & Safety at Koonung
The Department of Education has a comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety Management System which has been in place at Koonung for some years. This helps to provide a safe school environment for staff, students, parents and contractors.
Please take note of the following:
Traffic within the College grounds
Student drop-off and pick-up is not permitted within the College grounds unless the student is injured or disabled. All traffic entering the school grounds must observe the speed limit of 10kmh (ie walking pace).
Smoking and vaping
It is an offence to smoke or vape anywhere within the College grounds and within 4 metres of all school ground entrances. This applies 24/7 regardless of whether or not students are at school.
A comprehensive audit has been carried out, testing all building construction materials. Material containing asbestos was found to be in a safe condition and consisted largely of the comparatively low risk asbestos cement (AC) sheet with the majority located out of the way in eaves and ceilings. The results of this audit were used to update our existing asbestos register.
Note that a health risk exists only if safety precautions are not observed if the AC is disturbed.
To guard against any such risk:
- All asbestos containing material is labelled either with a sticker (at eye level) or a painted red dot (high points e.g. eaves, ceilings).
- Our computer based Maintenance Reporting System allows staff to remotely log any damage. This immediately generates an alert to our maintenance and facilities staff.
- Before any construction work is started, the asbestos register is checked to determine whether the area to be worked is listed.
- Only contractors with the appropriate licensing are permitted to work with asbestos.
- A whole school inspection is carried out each quarter to check for damage or wear and to ensure advisory labels are in place.
Stace Kerr
Business Manager
Canteen 2023 Menu
Please find attached the new 2023 canteen menu, along with a QR code for the canteen. Please download and use the Chalkboard Catering Lunch Order App to place lunch order and for daily specials. Lunch orders must be in by 8:30 am on the day required.
Year 7 Picnic - Thursday 2 March
Koonung Secondary College welcomes you to our Annual Year 7 Picnic, to be held on Thursday 2 March, 6-8pm on the Koonung oval. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to join together to meet Year 7 teachers and fellow parents.
Bring along chairs, picnic rugs and your dinner and enjoy the entertainment provided. All families are encouraged to attend.
Keep an eye on your Compass newsfeed for further details.
School Photos
School photos were taken on Monday 6 February. Students who were absent on photo day are able to have their school photo taken on back up photo day on Friday 17 February between 12 and 1:30pm. If you wish to order any photos please go to the 'Order 2023 School Photo Packs' on your Compass portal. Compass is using MSP for photos. All payments are handled through Compass, not through Koonung Secondary College.
Please refer to the newsfeed for dress code information for photo day.
Things to look forward to in 2023!
We are very excited that the musical this year will be 'Seussical'. Stay tuned for further details.
Parents, Carers and Koonung Graduates …
We would like to hear from any parents, carers or former Koonung graduates who have completed an apprenticeship, traineeship, went to university through an alternative entry program or have done further education and training to get into the career they are now in. We would like to invite you/them to talk to our Vocational Major students who may follow a similar path post YR12.
In particular we are looking for:
- Tradies of any type including plumbers, electricians, carpenters, cabinet makers etc
- Early Childhood Educators
- Hairdressers
- Chef / other Kitchen positions
- Automotive technician, mechanic or other automotive industry position
- Sport and recreation such as Gym Managers etc
If you can help, please contact Nancy Manders, Koonung’s Alumni Program Coordinator, via email THANK YOU!!
Kinetic Melbourne _ Term 1 update