Facilities update

Capital works projects update
•Stage 1b (admin fit out of the bottom of the new building) is about to commence. The builders estimate that the fit out will be completed by the end of term two.
•Work on the new wellbeing space is almost complete. 2 Assistant Principals and admin staff soon will reoccupy this space until we can move into the new building.
•Tender documentation for the refurbishment of the student toilet block is being prepared.
Work completed over the Summer break
Periodic cleaning
•All windows washed
•Floors stripped and polished
•Cobwebs cleared
•Carpets steam cleaned
•Extensive cleaning, dusting and
mopping of internal areas
•Extensive mowing, whipper snipping, gardening, tree and branch removal and leaf litter clean up completed to tidy grounds prior to start up
•90m+ of paling fencing and posts replaced along 3 neighbouring properties
•Further painting of gutters, eaves, fascia boards around the College
•Foot path trip hazards repaired near library
•Tennis/hockey area curtains adjusted
•Oval sprinkler system repairs and upgrades continued
•School bins and toilet block washed and sanitised
•Large, dead tree removed.
Classrooms/staff areas
•Extensive furniture moving to relocate Admin, AP’s and Principal offices during refurb
•Principal’s office painted, new carpet
•2 x A/C split systems installed in Principal and AP office – 3 old window box units removed and windows reglazed
•Waiting room in main corridor removed and carpet tiles installed over worn lino floor
•Gym floors sanded and polished
•HUB staffroom and access passage painted
•Room 38 cupboard doors replaced
•Moving of many items stored in the undercroft cage
•New dust extractor unit installed for woodwork room. MUCH MUCH quieter than the old unit and no longer obtrusive for A Block auditorium.
Thanks to Darren Milk and Pete Martin for their tireless efforts to ensure our College is the best it can be when we return from holidays.
Stace Kerr
Business Manager