Schoolwide Positive Behaviour  

Koonung is one of over 400 schools in Victoria using School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) to manage student behaviour and to promote positive behaviours within our school community.

What is SWPBS?

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is an evidence based, school-wide framework for developing and explicitly teaching positive behaviours. Our goal at Koonung is to create a safe and respectful environment for our students, to help maximise social, emotional and academic growth, allowing each student to become the best version of themselves they can be. 

What does it look like at Koonung Secondary College?

Positive Behaviour Expectations:

The Positive Behaviour Expectations matrix below is underpinned by four of our six school values at Koonung Secondary College; Endeavour, Respect, Resilience and Collaboration. The purpose of the matrix is help clarify what our values and behaviours should look, sound, and feel like. The matrix itself is displayed in many locations around the school, including every classroom, and is often referred to and discussed with all students at Koonung.

When, Where and How Do We Teach Our Expected Behaviours?

Explicitly teaching our behavioural expectations and acknowledging students for demonstrating them is key to our success at Koonung and in creating a positive climate for learning. 

Expected behaviours are taught throughout the entire school year in all of our classrooms and where teachable moments arise. Students in Years 7 are introduced and explicitly taught our expected behaviours, and about SWPBS in their weekly Positive Classroom lessons. Our Expected behaviours of our students are taught by;

  • Telling – Introducing the expected behaviours to students and discussing why they are important
  • Showing – Demonstrating and modelling expected behaviours
  • Practicing – Role playing expected behaviours in the relevant contexts when necessary
  • Monitoring – Pre-correcting any unwanted behaviours, supervising and providing positive feedback where possible
  • Reteaching – Reteaching expected behaviours when necessary and allowing students time to practice the expected behaviour


Students displaying positive behaviours and our school values are acknowledged by staff through green chronical entries on their compass profile and by earning points for their house. Students who consistently display our expected behaviours will also be acknowledged at their Year Level Assembly by receiving a merit certificate in their house colour.


‘The Koonung community works together to establish an environment which develops respectful and resilient learners. We value excellence, endeavour, creativity, collaboration, respect and resilience.’

Will Emerson 

Learning Specialist: Positive Climate for Learning