Wellbeing update
Welcome to the start of the school year 2023!
Student wellbeing is at the heart of all that we do at Koonung Secondary College. We recognise that students learn best when they feel happy, engaged, connected, healthy and safe. We promote the development of each student by placing emphasis on personal development, self-esteem, respectful relationships and social responsibility. Our students are able to flourish in an environment where they feel valued, supported and have access to professional and confidential support when they need it.
This year, our team has expanded with the addition of a Mental Health Practioner, who will be ensuring that our college community continues to have a focus on a holistic wellbeing framework. Get to know her below!
The rest of our team includes our nurse Helen Lamers and Penny Lee who manage the health centre and two school counsellors, Eryn Tyler and Ella Cogger. The counsellors are available to meet with students in need of support and encouragement for any challenges they are facing at school or in their life outside of school. Referrals to the counsellors can be made by the students themselves by emailing either counsellor on Compass, or by speaking with their year level coordinator or head of middle/senior school who will assist to connect them to the team.
Aside from the day to day response through counselling and support, the Wellbeing team are invested in promoting positive mental health through programs, lunchtime activities and special days through the year that encourage kindness, connectedness and looking after one another. We are committed to working collaboratively with families and all members of staff in the college to ensure that our students are cared for and valued.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to any of our team on Compass.
Kate O’Keefe
Director of Learning: Wellbeing