Positive Climate for Learning

Welcome Circles

Welcome back to our fabulous Armstrong Creek School community! It has been a successful start to the 2023 school year for all ACS students, both returning and new. A special mention to our Prep cohort who have just completed their first two days of school life! 


Learning Communities across the school have begun the year by implementing Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) practises which staff eagerly learnt about at Day 1 of BSEM training late in 2022. 


Staff have commenced 2023 with a focus on ensuring our students feel connected to school and learning through developing strong rapport with staff and other students. Staff have brought this vision to life this week by conducting home group welcome circles and explicitly teaching our school values and expected behaviours to students. This has provided students with an opportunity to be greeted by their home group teacher, briefed about our values/expectations, discuss announcements/acknowledgements and share ‘What Went Well (WWW)’. When speaking to students across the school about WWW this week, many stated seeing teachers, friends and learning again as being their highlights. This is a wonderful reflection of the positive connections students have already developed, in relation to school. 


A great way to build a connection for your child between school and home, would be to ask your child WWW in their day. This is the language we use with students and is easily transferable to conversations between a caregiver and child. This encourages students to identify a positive they have experienced for the day, even of the simplest form such as having a yummy lunch or sharing a laugh with a friend. 


In addition to welcome circles, another way staff have fostered connectedness to school is by building safety, predictability and an orderly learning environment. Staff have done this through teaching expectations and procedures for routines. Across the week students have practised and learnt expected behaviours and daily procedures for transitions, morning routine, attention signal and eating time (to name a few!). Please see below for photos of welcome circles across various year levels as well as home group displays for procedures and expectations.


Well done to all students on beginning the year with a positive and energised attitude. We look forward to seeing our ACS students continue to head in the same trajectory across the year!