Students of the week 

Term 2 - Week 6


Tillie G - For your wonderful writing about your dream birthday cake this week. I loved how you wrote ‘It was yum in my tum.’ and added lots of extra details about your fantastic cake design. You are a champion at trying your best. 



Kenzie P - For working hard on your writing and colouring goal this term! Kenzie, you should be very proud of your efforts! You are using your growth mindset to have a go at writing all on your own and you have worked on making your colouring in neat and colourful! Congratulations Kenzie!!



Kirra L - For your amazing efforts with your writing tasks. You are stretching out your sounds, spacing your words and punctuating too! Not to mention your beautiful illustrations to match. Well done Kira!



Charlie G - For being a Mathematics wizard! Charlie, you have shown an exceptional understanding of to apply different addition strategies to solve problems. You can explain your thinking and support your peers when they need it. Well done super star!



Ella C - For being you, Ella! You are always so busy in the classroom – listening beautifully and getting your work done, so well. You are a wonderful helper also and do a magical job of organising the classroom, helping to keep it tidy and clean. Keep shining Ella. You are magnificent! 



Jacob A - Jacob is consistently demonstrating the school values of Learning and Friendship. He displays his love for learning through his enthusiasm and in the high quality work that he produces. Jacob is a wonderful 



Kiera M - This week Kiera, you have made valuable contributions to classroom discussions. During our sports lesson with Mr Josh, you actively raised your hand and made thoughtful comments. Well done!



Liam P - Liam, your confidence over the past few weeks has grown tremendously. I have loved seeing you put your hand up more often during class discussions to contribute your ideas. Your bright smile in the morning lights up our classroom and you are such a caring friend to all in 2B. We are lucky to have you in our classroom.



Jay M - You are shining like a star Jay! Keep up the great work. 



Mason B - Congratulations, Mason! You should be so proud of your positive attitude and enthusiasm towards your learning, especially in Maths. It's great to see your growing confidence with addition and applying various strategies. Keep it up!



Loke B - You've shown great initiative the last few weeks, Loke. You are an excellent help to your peers, utilising your tech expertise to help when others get stuck. Keep it up!



Josh M - For always being a determined, positive friend and learner. You are wonderful at making good choices and always display respect and kindness to yourself and others. Keep being you. You are a super star!



Vianne C - For demonstrating an unwavering commitment to your learning particularly during writing lessons. You also bring an overwhelming sense of joy to our grade and positively influence your peers. Remarkable work, Vianne!



Alice P - It has been so wonderful to see you take on a challenge and build your confidence! Keep it up, you superstar!



Lily C - Lily, you have so impressed me with your persistence and resilience during our multiplication lessons. Your success is assured if you continue the way you have been and keep enthusiastically putting all of your effort into your tasks. Well done superstar! 



Jackson P - Jacko, you did a wonderful job of hosting our class assembly item last week! You embraced the cheesy jokes and spoke with clarity and at a great pace. Nice work! 



Tailem H - Congratulations Tailem on achieving great results in all of the assessments we have been completing. Your results show the enormous effort you are putting into your learning. Well done.



Benjamine G - Benjamine you have worked exceptionally hard this week to overcome all kinds of obstacles with digital technology. You were patient, calm and tried your best to come up with the best solution you could. Well done.