Grade 5/6 Students 

Celebrating our fantastic Fives and sensational Sixes!

5/6A - Miss Lee

The students in 5/6A have been busy using their Chrome books to support their learning. Here we have Ari S completing his research for his homework project for the term. He has given himself really clear direction for his project by creating some fantastic research questions.

Meanwhile, Saige M has used the Chrome book in the classroom to complete research on her reading topic of Cathy Freeman and has even uploaded images to her assignment. 5/6A have been adjusting to using the Chrome books so well.

For our maths, our focus on multiplication has continued. Here we have Sam S, Ollie S, Ariana A and Jaimee R working to improve their automatic recall of timetable facts through games as our warm-up each session. The classroom is always abuzz with excitement during our times table races times.

5/6B - Mr Sankovic

In 5/6B we presented our assembly item on the ‘Evolution of Education’, the students did a wonderful job of explaining how much has changed in literacy, music, behaviour management and much more. We have started looking at Literacy Circles roles. One of the roles we looked at was the predictor. Students predicted what they thought would happen in the next part of the text and used evidence to back up their thoughts. 

Ollie W
Ollie W
Katie H
Katie H

5/6 - Mrs George

The introduction of Chromebooks into Year 3-6 has created a lot of excitement for all students. This week in 5/6C, students have enjoyed exploring the website Canva and seeing all of the different ways they can use this tool to enhance and present their work. This week students recreated the front cover of the novel that they are currently reading.





5/6D - Mr Jared

Look at this fantastic one pager exploring the past of our school and community. Some wonderful new learnings here Joel

Joel K
Joel K

During Science this term Willow and Isobel created these wonderful bees!

What a great effort! They look amazing!

Isobel C & Willow AD
Isobel C & Willow AD