Grade 3/4 Students

Celebrating our tremendous Threes and fabulous Fours !

3/4A - Mrs Bryant  

This week in 3/4A we have been looking at what is a primary and secondary source in History, as well as the potential advantages and disadvantages of both. 


We have also been learning about the importance of visualising in Reading. Not only does it paint a vivid picture in our head, making it easier to imagine what is happening, but it helps us to recall and summarise information more accurately. 

3/4B - Miss Brook

Resilience to the Rescue!

Using the Inner Assembly wellbeing book, students created their own superhero with special resilience powers!


We also transformed into landscape gardeners and helped with the mulching of our Indigenous Garden. Everyone did a marvellous job!

3/4C - Mr Lewis

To complete our Maths unit on Addition, the students were asked to design their own Addition board games that involve players using the different addition strategies they have learned. These strategies include Split Strategy, Jump Strategy and the Vertical Algorithm. Below is Samara, Elena and Scarlett’s game.

The students have been learning about different parts of speech. Part of this investigation has involved identifying adverbs. Neve created a wonderful poster outlining the purpose of adverbs and included some great examples of each type.

3/4D - Mr Mitch 

This week in 3/4D, the students cemented their understanding of addition by creating a PowerPoint presentation based on a specific addition strategy. It also provided them with a fantastic opportunity to develop their ICT skills (Levi A-D, Stevie-Rose V).

3/4E - Miss Margarita

The theme for Reconciliation Week this year is ‘Be Brave, Make Change’. In our class, we have been learning Aboriginal history from authentic sources, reading books by Aboriginal authors, watching videos and having discussions. We completed a heads, hearts and hands activity in which we talked about what we thought, how we felt about it and what actions we would take for Reconciliation- we made sure to consult the Reconciliation Australia website for ideas on actions so they were appropriate and respectful. 


Alice PM
Alice PM
Georgie O
Georgie O
Michael G
Michael G