Grade 1 Students 

Celebrating our outstanding Ones!

1A - Miss Morrison

Maths! Maths! And more Maths!

We have been busy working on learning different addition strategies. Here we are working on solving near doubles problems, by doubling a number +1. Also we worked on using the jump strategy on a number line. It was great fun checking our answers using a calculator – which was a first for many! 

1B - Miss Lou

Each week 1B are involved in Literacy Rotations. They look forward to these weekly as they get the opportunity to work in small groups completing activities that are designed to cater for their current skill set. The students complete 4 activities each week. A reading/teacher group, a Sound Waves revision activity, an M300 activity as well as a Reading Eggs activity on the iPad. Here are some lovely samples.

Kit D
Kit D
William E
William E

1C - Miss Wong

We have learned all about measuring the length and did a fun hands-on activity called 'Measuring me!'.  We used things like unifix, pencils, books and feet then compared our heights with our classmates!

Mila C
Mila C