Mrs Luisa Cecala 


On Tuesday 17th May at 7pm, we will be having an onsite parent seminar to learn about understanding and supporting children with anxiety. We will be welcoming Georgina Manning from Peaceful kids to come and help us gain a better understanding. 


Georgina Manning is the Director of Wellbeing for Kids and a Counsellor and Psychotherapist. Georgina has many years of experience working in schools supporting children and parents to reach effective social and emotional outcomes.  


Puberty Online Session

Year 5 and 6 students

Date: 1st June

Time: 7pm

From the comfort of your own home

More information to come!



Since COVID lockdowns, children are online more and more which means it is important to be up to date with how to protect our children and ensure that online gaming is played in a safe manner. 


During term 2, there are webinars available to help us understand ways we can set up devices and apps to support our children to be safe online. 


Parent Control Webinar


Thursday 19 May 12.30 – 1.30 pm 

Tuesday 31 May 12.30 – 1.30 pm








The presentation will cover:

  • the benefits and limitations of parental controls
  • how to safely set up iOS and Android devices
  • how to safely set up popular games and apps, like YouTube and Roblox
  • family tech agreements and other parenting strategies to manage online risks
  • how eSafety can help you when things go wrong.

Safer Online Gaming Webinar


Friday 17 June 12.30 – 1.30 pm

Tuesday 21 June 7.30 – 8.30 pm


It will cover:

  • the games young people are using and how they are engaging with them
  • the benefits of gaming and how to mitigate the risks
  • practical strategies to use at home and where to find help and support if things go wrong.


Useful Links 


Kids and Online Gaming by Maggie Dent


Family Fun -  Practicing gratitude

Activity: Encourage each member of the family to collect, find or make pictures of all the people, events and things in their life that make them feel grateful. Print them, cut them out of magazines, draw them, pull out old family photographs. Reflect and discuss and then place them somewhere in your home where they can be seen as a reminder.


Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) On Students with Disability


The Alannah & Madeline Foundation has developed a new and innovative online learning experience that builds digital intelligence in students aged 10-14, giving them the knowledge and skills they need to harness the opportunities and deal with the challenges of the digital world. Aligned to leading international frameworks for digital intelligence and future readiness, the Digital Licence+ offers cutting edge, evidence-based learning materials that educators can use in remote and blended learning environments. This year, our Year 5 and 6 students will be completing these e-modules in class to help them develop social and emotional competencies, along with technical knowledge and skills that enable them to harness the opportunities and deal with the challenges of the digital world.