Resilience in our Teens 

Resilience in Our Teens 


Anxiety and resilience in our students are a significant challenge; and it has continued to grow. The last two years have certainly exacerbated the situation, and as a school we are looking to implement programs to support and address this need in a holistic way.


In 2022, Henry Kendall will be one of five schools in Australia that are investing in and are looking to implement a new initiative which has a focus on anxiety in schools. The RIOT (Resilience in our Teens) Program is a research based, whole school initiative developed by psychologists and educators from Parentshop, a company that does a lot of work in programs aimed at school aged children and their parents. 


The emphasis on this program is to provides dialogue and scaffolds to assist staff, parents and students in supporting and addressing the issues of anxiety and resilience. The program will include training for staff, workshops for students and opportunities for our parent community to participate in online webinars. Staff training will occur on Monday 18 July and information regarding the parent webinars will be distributed throughout Term 3.