Principal's Update
Paul Clohesy
Principal's Update
Paul Clohesy
Dear families,
After two years of restrictions, we were finally able to gather as a whole school community for a school assembly.
The theme chosen by our Year 12 student leaders this year is ‘Our Inclusive Community’ and this week the students had the opportunity to explain to the rest of the school what that theme looks like in practice.
Tuesday, May 17 was Trinity’s Diversity Day. The focus was on the importance of accepting all types of diversity and making sure our school is an inclusive environment. During homeroom, Year 12 students presented statistics to the each of the classes. These statistics focused on the extremely high number of children who are bullied due to their sexuality and the subsequent wellbeing impacts this bullying causes.
The clear message of our assembly was that all Trinity College students had the responsibility to follow the example Jesus gave in the Gospels and accept everyone for who they are.
In my last newsletter article, I mentioned that the Year 8 students would be cooking over the 300 meals for St Vincent DePaul. I am pleased to announce that they ended up donating 690 meals for Vinnies to distribute to families in need.
We were also able to re-stock our own freezers with food we supply to families in our community who are going through tough times.
If you are aware of any family who might benefit from our care group meals for any reason, please don’t hesitate to contact the school and let us know.
Next week we celebrate Catholic Education Week. Catholic schools have been operating in Victoria for over 200 years. Trinity will celebrate Catholic Education Week through our morning prayers and with activities organised by the Faith and Mission team.
Congratulations to all students who participated in the school cross country last week. The weather was ideal for the event and the students enjoyed a run or walk around the Colac streets. Jack Fish was the quickest in the male category and Matilda McCullagh in the female category.
I would also like to congratulate all of our Year 7 and 9 students for the manner in which they undertook the NAPLAN testing last week.
It was the first time the testing was conducted on devices and thankfully all went very smoothly. Our IT department did an outstanding job and our Learning Analytics Leader, Mr Ryan Geary, spent hours preparing students, staff and setting up the entire event.
Ryan will also lead the staff through analysis of the results once they arrive. Our aim is to use the data from NAPLAN with all our other student data to provide the best education for students.
Kind Regards
Paul Clohesy, Principal