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Week 4 Term 4

First of all I wanted to start by saying how proud we all are at SFX of our Year 3 students who last week completed their NAPLAN assessments. Four tests over four days is a great effort. The students can be commended for their persistence, resilience and hard work! They were duly rewarded with a delicious hot chocolate thanks to Ms Melissa. 


This week we have also had our School Photos and some students had the opportunity to run in the District Cross Country at Woodleigh (tomorrow). Next week promises to be just as busy with a School Closure Day and an Andrew Chinn music workshop on Thursday.


In the classroom we are continuing to improve our persuasive writing. This week we have been working on a Big Write. A Big Write involves following a writing process from the planning stage all the way through to drafting, revising, editing and publishing. The children got to choose a variety of persuasive topics including: Children should do chores around the house, Is it important for children to do homework every night? and It is important for children to play outside


We have really enjoyed getting out of the classroom for some of our Inquiry lessons over the last week or two. Last week the children completed a scavenger hunt. They were roaming the school yard looking for different parts of our school ecosystem. They were looking for producers (different plants, flowers and vegetables from the garden), consumers (bird and animal life), and decomposers (worms and fungi) amongst other things. We were really surprised with the amount of things we found in our yard. 


In Ed in Faith we have begun our First Eucharist preparations. We have been talking about different types of celebrations (both spiritual and secular) and have discussed the importance of community within these celebrations. We have also looked into the different symbols of Holy Communion and different scripture stories such as Loaves and Fishes and the Last Supper. We're looking forward to Fr Chinua visiting all the children next Wednesday. 


This week we celebrated with 7 students who filled their Hero Awards Chart! A record for our class in one week! Some children have now filled two charts already this year! 


Enjoy the rest of your week!