1/2 K

1/2K is learning every day.


During reading this week we have been learning about comparing and contrasting. We learnt that comparing is describing when something is the same and contrasting is describing when something is different. The students have focused on characters, setting and events that are similar or different in stories. 

We read the story Cat and Dog by Arthur McBain, click the picture below to watch it as a family.

The students then compared and contrasted cat and dog. Here are some of their responses


James:"Dogs and cats are both fun to play with."


Liam L: "Both of these animals make good pets."


Alana:"Dogs and cats both need water."


Ema: "Dogs say woof, but cats say meow."


In Maths we have been learning strategies to add number together quickly. Some of the strategies include: 

  • Starting with the larger number then adding the smaller number 5+2= 7 or 13+ 6= 19
  • Counting on 8+3= 9, 10, 11 
  • Building to ten 6+4= 10 or 7+3=10 
  • Building to twenty 15+5= 20 or 11+9=20
  • Doubles: 2+2=4 or 9+9=18

Check out how the students used ladybugs and dice to practise their doubles by adding the dots on the ladybug. Some students worked on smaller doubles up to 10 while others challenged themselves to go further to 20 and beyond.

Why not practise some adding strategies on the weekend. You can ask your child to add simple things such as the cutlery, fruit or shoes. 

Education in Faith

The students have been focusing on our common home and how we must care for our world so that everyone can enjoy it in the future. We have read the creation story and heard God's word that man and women were made to rule over the earth and take care of it. 

We have also have listened to Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si', and reflected on our very important role to all after all creation. The children have begun to thinking about God's creation and small ways they can make a big difference such as turning off light switches, recycling rubbish, taking shorter showers and giving food scraps to pets. 

The children have written some prayers in response to the creation story and caring for our world. 

Fine motor and social skills

Each Friday the students work on their fine motor skills and social skills in a range of activities. Students have to work together in teams, take turns, share items, problem solve, compromise, respect personal space and build strength and dexterity in their hands and fingers. All these skill are important as the children learn to work together as a class.

Here are some of the great things they have been doing.