

All the students enjoyed our excursion to the Frankston Arts Centre to see the performance 'Guess How Much I Love You. The students discussed the story's main ideas and repetitive phrases upon returning to school. They drew their favourite part of the story and wrote words to describe their picture. During writing, the students applied their letter-sound knowledge to write simple words. Fish Head Soup has been our focus story for the week. The students identified the rhyme in sentences and explored different forms of punctuation and their purpose in the text. 



In Maths, we have been identifying events occurring at different times of the day, both at school and at home. The students have also been sequencing the days of the week in order, and reinforcing the order of the days of the week, we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar story using story stone. We constructed 'Days of the Week' caterpillars to learn the days of the week at home. This week we are exploring ordinal language and the position of objects and numbers using the language of first, second, and third. On Wednesday, the students worked in small groups, created ramps and raced small vehicles. They used ordinal language to describe and record the position of the cars after each race. 



We launched our new inquiry topic by discussing the meaning of the word sustainability. The students worked in pairs and drew pictures of different ways to sustain the environment at school and home. As part of looking after our environment, we have been investigating what plants need to grow, how plants grow and why plants are essential. We are watching and observing different ways that plants grow. Several other vegetables were cut in half and placed on moist paper. The students also created greenhouses and inside each plastic bag is a germinating bean seed.  


Education in Faith 

In Education in Faith, we have been making connections between our topic of inquiry, sustainability and the creation story.  The book 'In the Beginning' by Andrew Chinn has provided opportunities for rich discussion about God's creation and ways that we can become stewards of the creation.