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Mr Cameron and Miss Judy

Things have begun to return to more of the 'normal' that school was a few years ago. Last week our year five students took part in NAPLAN and we were very impressed with the focus and determination shown by our students to deal with the stress of having to complete these assessments on the computers for the first time. Previously these were all paper-based tests, so we're hopeful that we will see results sooner, now that it's all done electronically. Some of our class will be heading off to Woodleigh School tomorrow for Cross Country and we wish them well. Interschool sport has returned and a lightning premiership will be contested later this term. We will have a visit from Andrew China next week and hopefully more opportunities to have excursions will come. Bring on 'normal'...


Over the last two weeks we have been working on further developing the students understanding of decimals. Students have been looking at comparing the size of decimal fractions, finding equivalents and recognising where they fall on a number line. They have begun to think about how to add and subtract numbers that include decimals.


This week we have continued to develop the writing strategy of 'Show, Don't Tell', where they use descriptive words (focussing on their senses) to place the reader 'in' the scene.

During our inquiry reading, we have been learning about natural disasters. Here are some examples of how students have applied that knowledge by trying to put themselves in the shoes of a firefighter who was called to assist during the Black Saturday bushfire. 


Millie "Flames where surrounding me, stinging my eyes. All I heard was crackling and sirens going off. I just thought it was the end of my life. Fire trucks are burnt, smoke covered the sky and it looked like it was night."


Elaine "I could see barely anything and my eyes were burning. We could only see two colours, red and dark grey. The smell of smoke was so intoxicating, wrapping and squeezing around my lungs. The fire destroyed everything in its path - an unstoppable force."


Jo Anne "It was a terrifying experience and many lives were in danger. Unfortunately there will be need for major repairs to the roads. The snapping trees trapped many animals and sadly it was too late to save them. Crackling trees fell on the roads, endangering helpless people. Smoke took over the sky in minutes."


Jacob "The sky was a burning red, the trees and wood turned to ash. It was so hot that I thought I would be turned to ash next. My fellow fire men's truck burnt down as the fire was crackling with embers."


Sebastian "Well it was a pretty nasty day, as we walked into the fire it was like the smoke was choking me. All I could see was the bright orange flames surrounding me, and all I could hear was hissing leaves. After we got away our truck was completely broken. I was really scared but I am grateful I am alive."


Seerat "It was horrifying. I could see fire circling us. The flames reached our truck from the outside and it terrified me but the whole crew got out safely. We couldn't breathe from the smoke. We felt suffocated. It was like the whole sky was being eaten by flaming smoke."

Interschool Sports

Our first game of inter-school sports took place last week at Frankston East Primary School, where we fielded a girls and boys soccer team, along with a girls and mixed netball team. It was delightful to see the students play with a spirit of participation and support for one another. In the coming weeks we will select teams for a Lightning Premiership Day, where each team will play a number of games all on the one day to determine a winner for our district. Please keep an eye out for the permission form and return it as soon as possible.