Kindergarten News

Dickins Room

Our Wimbi and Marram classes have had another wonderful week, it has been wonderful to have a few more children attend Kinder and this has lead to a busy and energetic feel to the programs.

Our Wimbi children enjoyed getting out into the sunny (but cold) weather. They were fascinated with the work being done around the community- in particular with the trucks and diggers that they could see. The children enjoyed playing with the marble run as well as working together with Duplo to create some more complex structures and themes. We have continued to offer painting experiences due to the children's interests and the children have been demonstrating an extension in their fine motor skills as well as their ability to cross the mid line- both of which are essential skills in developing later letter and print awareness.


Our Marram class had a very busy week- Making and flying kites in the wind on Tuesday was an incredible moment. The children had to engage a great deal of planning, focus and sequencing skills in order to achieve this outcome.

We have been dancing up a storm of late, cooking routinely and beginning to reintroduce our conceptual learning as a collective group.


On Thursday, Kara began to explore the concept of Senses: tying in our cooking, she was able to introduce the way we interpret the world through our 5 senses, allowing the children to explore the ingredients through touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. The children really enjoyed this and the faces that were pulled when trying some lemon helped the children to understand the reaction to something sour!

We have noticed some of the children exploring meaning making through print and through letters, we are aiming to extend this next week through some discussions and use of our IT resources.


Al, Mardi and Kara

Moore Room

We have had a wonderful week – taking full advantage of the great weather. Both groups have been up to the school exploring the many and varied fruits and vegetables. They have loved identifying some of these – particularly after our planting at the kinder. It has been a great example of them extending on their project. Other extensions have been; each group making a sign for our vege patch, sorting and classifying the fruits and the use of the ‘market’ shop.


We have started to utilise our calander after discussions around the weather, the season and days of the week. This has afforded the children to communicate mathematical ideas and concepts. We have loved reading Dr. Suess and Hairy Maclary and discussing ‘rhyming’ – great pre literacy skills.


Cristina has also been teaching the children some names of fruit in Mandarin and she shared a great cause and effect experience. The children used straws to blow water into an apple and then some milk to see which one blew the most bubbles – try this at home!


Have a fantastic week!


Kelly-Anne, Treesje, Julie and Jo