e-Learning News

Getting the routines back in place!

Schools are coming back! Well, sort of. 

Now is a perfect time to revist your family rules and expectations when it comes to screen time. You can help your child find the balance between screen use and other activities by working with your child on some family rules or a family media plan.


There is a possibly plan that you might be able to use attached below. 


Your family’s rules might cover:

  • where your child can use screens – for example, only in family rooms or not in the car
  • when your child can use screens – for example, mealtimes are free of TV, computers and phones, or no screen time before school or until chores are finished
  • how your child can use screens – for example, for making animations or checking a netball shooting technique, but not for playing Candy Crush
  • how you handle screen time for children of different ages – for example, there might be some games that your older child can play only when her younger sibling is out or has gone to bed.

It’s OK if your rules include time limits to help your child balance screen time with other things like physical activity. It might help to know that Australian physical activity guidelines say school-age children should have at least one hour of activity every day. It's all about balance. 









Zachary Lane

e-Learning Leader