Scotsburn News

First Day Back

It was so nice to see our 3-6’s back at school today and enjoying seeing their friends again. They all quickly got back into the swing of things and settled into the routines nicely.

Remote Learning Obstacle Courses

Last week, SC2 and SC3 enjoyed creating their very own obstacle course as part of remote learning. The kids all did an awesome job. The following links are of a couple of courses that were created.

Social Distancing of Adults

Thank so much to the parents that have been dropping off their children since school resumed. You guys have all done a wonderful job. A reminder that visitors to the school grounds will be limited to those delivering or supporting essential school services and operations.  As such, parents are only to go beyond the school gate if absolutely necessary. No parents should enter classrooms until further notice, but please feel free to email or phone if there is something you need assistance with. Parents must also be conscious of not congregating outside the school grounds at the beginning and end of each school day.

Onsite Learning Program

A huge congratulations to Jenny Bomitali, Raquel and Sharon for their wonderful care and commitment to the students involved in the onsite program during the past 2 weeks. Knowing that the kids were in such good hands was greatly appreciated.   


Student reports will be available via Compass this Friday for all families. Teachers have been working hard over the past few weeks to complete the reporting process for this semester. Reports this semester will look very different due to the extended period of remote learning that has taken place. The reports will include curriculum statements that outline what was taught, modified student achievement comments and social/personal capability judgements against how well each student has engaged with remote learning. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

A reminder that on Thursday 18th June, school will finish at 1pm for parent teacher interviews. A friendly reminder to those parents booking in a Webex Meeting Interview time slot, that meetings will be for 10 minutes with a 5 minute break in between interviews. This is to ensure confidentiality for all involved. Many thanks for your understanding. 

New Sign

Over the long weekend, Mr O’Loughlin and Rick Innes spent some time installing the new sign at the entrance to the Scotsburn campus. Mr O’Loughlin was able to source the timber from Jack Plier’s Grandfather who own and runs a timber mill in Scotsburn. Rick Innes (Amity, Maggie & Flynn’s Pa) then worked his magic to do the rest. I’m sure you’ll all agree that the finished product looks amazing! 

Once again, Rick has gone over and beyond in his support of the campus and generosity of his time. We would also like to thank Jack’s Grandfather, Lawrence ‘Snowy’ Crimeen, for his amazing generosity in providing the timber.  

World Environment Day



SC1 celebrated World Environment Day on Friday 5th of June by creating posters that looked at ways we can help our environment. 


This included, recycling, looking after animals, putting rubbish in bins, reducing water and power consumption as well as planting foods and trees. "We can change the world, with our own two hands." 


ABC & ROCCH Awards

SC1 – Leah E

SC2 – Leo S

ROCCH Award – Indi Durham

Specialist award – Jack S


Term 2 - Lunch Order Roster 

Lunch orders need to be collected from the Buninyong campus at 12.40pm. Please ensure you organise a swap if necessary so that the students do not go hungry! 

Important Dates


Reports become available – June 12th 

Parent Teacher Interviews - Webex

  • June 18 - 1.45pm – 5pm (1pm finish for students)
  • June 23rd - 4pm – 5.30pm

Term 2 Ends – June 26th (2.30 pm finish)