Engagement and Wellbeing 

Keeping Students & Staff Safe - Thank you and reminders

First and foremost, thank you to everyone for supporting physical distancing at drop off and pick up times. We have seen a really smooth transition to the staggered model, helping students and staff to maintain safety at all times. 


Thank you also to our families for making sure students only attend if they are well. By doing such a great job of this, we have had minimal illness within the school. We also appreciate those families who have had to receive the collection call, for their swift responses. As we know, kids can come down with something at any point, not just at 9am, so thank you for supporting us and the community.


A reminder now for everyone about the measures that are currently in effect:

  • Clarifying expectations:
    • Parents/Carers through our newsletter and Compass updates.
    • Staff through our ‘Return to School Handbook’.
    • Students through visual hygiene posters, school tours to notice changes around the yard and regular explanations on only attending if they are well.
  • Working swiftly to ensure unwell students and staff stay off our sites.
  • Limiting the amount of adults and visitors to only those who are essential to the operations of the school onsite.
  • Ensuring adequate supplies of sanitizer and soap are available for use.
  • Increasing our onsite cleaning of key contact areas throughout the day.
  • Placing key signage around the school to explain physical distancing expectations.
  • Strategising the use of adventure play equipment (sanitiser to use before and after play)
  • Working through strategies to limit and ensure safe use of shared equipment.
  • Highlighting the importance of students using drink bottles.
  • Staggering the collection of students at the end of the day to ensure families are not accidentally or intentionally congregating. (See below for class dismissal times)
  • Staggering break times for students to allow a greater dispersion in the yard and appropriate access to staff amenities. (See below for break schedule)
  • Continuing broadcasts to reduce gatherings.
  • Working with bus companies to ensure appropriate physical distancing and hygiene is in place.

Staggered Break Times:

During the final weeks of term 2, classes will break for recess and lunch at the following times:

  • 3-6:
    • Recess break between 10:35-11am
    • Lunch break between 12:10-1pm
  • P-2:
    • Recess break between 11:05-11:30am
    • Lunch break between 1:10-2pm

Dismissal times for each of the classes:

Use of Drink Bottles - Please Label and Send to School

All parents are strongly encouraged to send their child with a drink bottle each day and check that they have it when departing home. We don’t want our children drinking out of the drinking fountains at the moment and will be working with staff to ensure students have access to their drink bottles during break times.


Please make sure that your child’s drink bottle is clearly labelled with their name and class.

Roofing Barriers to Support Community Safety

Over the weekend we were able to have our roofing barriers installed in a couple of key locations at our Buninyong site. Unfortunately over a few years we have seen multiple teenagers try and get onto our roof and wander about. Recently this has again occurred with some damage resulting. Our barriers will hopefully minimise the ability of those wishing to climb on the roof and through deterring them, will also help them to remain safe and not become injured (or worse) from a fall from such heights.


We are also asking everyone in our community to keep an eye out for anyone on the roof that does not look like they are meant to be there. Most likely this will be on weekends as people stroll around for a walk. If you happen to see someone on our roof, please call the police to let them know.


Broadcast Reminder - Friday,June 12 (2.10 pm)


A reminder to everyone that this week’s live broadcast will hopefully take place at 2:10 pm on Friday. A slightly later start will enable our students and staff time to settle back in after the lunch break.


We say hopefully this week as there are planned power outages in the morning. Should we be a bit late or have to postpone, we will advise this through a Compass notification. Fingers crossed the powerline gods will be looking after us.


To connect to this week’s broadcast, please follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure Webex Meetings is downloaded and installed prior to Friday.
  2. You can click on the link below to access the meeting at 2pm, but will be unable to do so until Scott starts the event. Alternatively, you can open up the Webex Meetings application on a device in your household and join a meeting. This is where you can enter the number listed below.
  3. If you are prompted to put in details, please do so and join. You can put in a false email address if need be: e.g. scott@mail.com
  4. If you are directed to ‘RUN A TEMPORARY APPLICATION’, please do so.

Meeting Link:




Meeting Event Number:

165 389 5177




Please note:

* The above room number and web link changes each week due to a new event being created.


Remote Learning Winners from Last Week: June 5

Congratulations to our Remote Learning Award winners from last week! We’re proud of the great work you have been doing in a difficult time. Keep it up and we can’t wait to see who receives the awards for this week.


Please click on the Powerpoint below to see the full list of winners from last week.