Returning to school 

Year 10 arrangements 

Students who have a VCE class during periods 1, 2 or 3 will work in the library whilst they have a Year 10 class and attend their VCE class scheduled. They will be online with their classes as per the usual practice for remote and flexible learning.

  • If a student is able to travel home in time for period 4 they can leave at lunch time for their final class.
  • If a student has a VCE class for period 4 they may arrive during lunchtime but should be present remotely in their period 3 class. If it is not practicable for a Year 10 student to attend their VCE class in person at the College during this time, they will be able to access the lesson content via Compass and Google Classroom. .

Questions or queries from students or parents can be directed to a student manager Emma Colmanet (A-K) and Dolores Doran (L-Z). 


Deb Jarvis

Director of Middle School