Student Work

Music Students in Isolation
The resilience of our students during isolation has been inspiring. See how our senior music students have been performing together during this time.
Art Competition Entrants
We have had a number of students enter the Zart ‘Home is where the heart is’ Art competition! Well done to all who entered- it’s a great way to connect with our community!
You can go to the following links to see all of the amazing student entries. Good luck to all who entered!
How to draw a scatter plot and regression line using a calculator
Students are taking the opportunity to find new ways to demonstrate their lessons to their teachers. Well done Shekinah from Year 10.
Creative Writing
This week Year 8 have been doing some creative writing. Hudson and Tyler have created some short Australian Fables while Aiden has written a response to a true Anzac story.
The koala in the tree
A koala was sitting in a tree when they noticed a large branch filled with leaves.
Determined to get the leaves. The koala slowly climbed up the large tree all day and all night until, he reached the leaves.
Life often rewards patience
The satin bird and the magpie.
The two male birds sat next to each other on the wire, they were talking about how it was so hard to make their nest. That was when the blue satin had an idea. “How about we work together.” The satin bird said. “That’s a great idea.” The magpie agreed.
So the two birds went to work. They started with satins nest first when it was time for magpies turn the blue bird laughed. Confused the magpie asked what was funny. “You fool I wouldn’t help you.” And then he flew away to his new nest that magpie helped make.
Response to a True Anzac Story by Aiden S
Benjamin Potter’s diary
Dear Diary, I am so proud of my young boys. They have come so far since they were kids. They have had kids of their own and wives to love them. And they never ask for money from us. But I am worried because they all joined the army - all I hope for is that they did not join so they can muck around and have fun. I hope they joined for the right of their country and other countries around the world. Being part of army is one of the bravest and most difficult things to do, and I do not know if they will try there hardest to keep on fighting for what is right - or they are going to be stupid and get themselves kicked out. I pray to the gods that my young boys know what they are getting themselves into. Please god, keep my boys safe…
-Benjamin Potter
Food Studies @ Home
Students' enjoyment of cooking at home continues and their teachers are very impressed by the results.
Chocolate cake by Ned from Year 8