Principal's Report

Return to Onsite Learning
It was exciting news this week when the Victorian Government announced that students will begin to return to onsite learning in the coming weeks. We are now in the process of putting our return to onsite learning plans into action with the latest government health advice and very excited that dates have now been set for students to return to school.
Monday 25 May: Pupil free day and staff return.
Tuesday 26 May: VCE and VCAL students return, including Year 10 students completing a VCE subject*.
Monday 8 June: Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
Tuesday 9 June: Year 7-10 students return
*Year 10 students completing a VCE subject are expected to attend for their lessons. We will provide a space for students to be able to use if it is not practical for them to only attend for their lesson due to circumstances such as transport availability. More information will be provided to these students at next week's assembly.
Once a year level has returned, all students will be expected to attend school as normal. This means if you choose to keep your child/children home after their year level has returned to on-site schooling, we can no longer support their learning from home.
This does not apply to children who need to be absent for health or medical reasons. For those families, please contact your child's level coordinator so we can make an appropriate plan. This same approach is being taken by all government schools in Victoria.
If you child is ill or is feeling unwell, they must not attend school. They must remain home and seek medical advice.
Health & Wellbeing
To support the health and wellbeing of all our students and staff, our school will continue an enhanced cleaning routine and will encourage frequent hand washing.
We have made a range of changes to our cleaning and hygiene arrangements. These include:
- Increased cleaning frequency
- Cleaning of high touch points during the day
- Hand sanitizer stations now located around the school
Physical Distancing
While the Chief Health Officer has advised that students will not be required to maintain physical distancing at school, there will be a number of important changes to our school operations, consistent with health advice. Some of these will include:
- Room changes to some timetables to minimise the total number of different students and adults using each classroom.
- Designated areas for year levels during break times to minimise interaction between year levels.
- Modifications to sport and physical education activities to minimise physical contact and the sharing of equipment.
- Minimise gatherings of students beyond their normal class (e.g. level assemblies).
- Restrictions to access to the school site for anyone other than immediate school staff and students;
- Therefore, the school will be closed to visitors, including parents and carers unless deemed essential by school staff, including when signing your child out of school early.
Camps, Excursions & Assemblies
Although students are returning to onsite learning in the coming weeks, it will be some time until we return to a full range of normal activities.
Until further notice we will not be running any camps or excursions. This is in line with government advice.
We are hoping to be able to announce changes to the dates to Matilda the Musical in the last week of May.
I understand that some families may feel anxious about this move back to classroom teaching and learning. I can assure you that this decision has been taken on the basis of the best health advice available to our state.
More information about the return to school and coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found on the Department’s website, which will continue to be updated:
Student Newsletters
It has been great to see the level of contributions from students towards this week's newsletters.
Check them out here:
Student Work
While we can't wait to return onsite, I continue to be impressed with the work that our our students continue to produce in isolation. Make sure you check out the student work page to see just a small snapshot of what's been going on.
VET/Pathways Coordinator - Karen Talbot will continue to be active and available in supporting students remotely via Microsoft teams:
Check out the PRSC Careers website It will become a hub of up-to-date information regarding pathways and career choices. It will be updated regularly, including the addition of upcoming virtual University open days, events and VTAC news.
Also, feel free to email:
Grade 6-7 Transition Update
Applications for Year 7 enrolment for 2021 have been extended to Friday 29 May 2020 due to COVID-19. Parents will need to return their preference form to their primary school by this date.
Primary schools are in the process of distributing these forms to Grade 6 families. The form can also be found via:
Due to the impact of current restrictions on planned transition events, Patterson River Secondary College is making a number of changes to planned events to support grade 6 families this term. These include:
• Registrations extended
• Testing postponed until later this term/early next term due to the dynamic nature of our programs.
• Hear from the Principal and the Transition Team
• Live Q&A
• Arrange a 1:1 or phone or video call
• Arrange a group video call with friends
• To organise call (03) 8770 6700
• Interview process postponed
Further Information:
Mr Daniel Dew
College Principal