In the Classroom

Spotlight on learning this fortnight

Year 4 City Camp

On Wednesday 24th August, the Year 4s left for the city camp! First stop was the MCG for a tour and interactive experience at 'Game On'. Then the Year 4s headed to CYC to drop off their luggage and go exploring around Federation Square and Hosier Lane. Day two consisted of a Yarra River cruise, Melbourne Sealife Aquarium, visiting the Eureka Skydeck and ACMI. Day three was a trip to the O'Brien Icehouse for ice skating before getting on the bus back to LPPS! A huge thank you to the wonderful teachers and parent helpers who came along to supervise and run this camp!

Grandparents / Special Loved ones Day - Foundation and Year 2

One of the much loved traditions at LPPS is our Foundation Grandparents/Special Persons Day.  Over the last 2 years we were unable to hold our much loved Grandparents Day.  So, this Term we welcomed not only our Foundation Grandparents, but also our Year 2 Grandparents.  Next Term we will be inviting our Year 1 Grandparents to come along for their special visit too...more details to come.


During this visit these special people spent some time in the classroom enjoying some activities.  They then went across to our hall where they donated many beautiful books to our Library and enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea of scones, jam and cream.  We are so pleased to be able to re-introduce this special day on the calendar.