Parish News
Voice for Life will be hosting a Men’s Movie Night for 15 years and above. Titled Show Me The Father, on Friday 9th September at 7.00pm in the Parish Hall. To register go to for catering purposes or contact the parish office on 5996 1985.
St. Agatha's Parish will be hosting a workshop for Mothers.
Friday 16th September - 7.00pm to 9.00pm
7.00pm Hymns – La Salette Statue
7.10pm Rosary for the Children
7.30pm Reconciliation
8.15pm Break (Cuppa)
8.35pm Activity
9.00pm Final prayer & Hymns
Saturday 17th September - 9.30am to 3.00pm
9.30am Holy Mass
10.15am Hymns 10.20am Rejection x Overcoming 11am Break (Cuppa)
11.20am Women from the Bible
12.10pm How to be reconciled? (Talk Show)
1pm Lunch
1.40pm Mothers who Pray for their Children
2.20pm Adoration (Reconciliation)
3.00pm Benediction
Sunday 18th September - 10.30am concluding with 10.45am Mass
10.30am Rosary for the Children (Chaplet)10.45am Holy Mass - Final blessing
To register please go to our website