
The Equestrian Centre has been a hive of activity lately. Not only did we again host Fiona Normand for our third 2-day clinic, the Middle Years Equine students have been busy conducting their horse health assessments and giving College equine resident, Gil a thorough health check.


Equine students were required to judge Gil’s movement at the walk and trot and comment on his form, as well as assess his overall health by finding his heart rate (at rest and after exercise), respiratory rate and vital health signs. You can see that Gil loved the attention.


Archie and Gil discuss the health of Gil’s teeth
Georgia finds Gil’s heart rate at rest.
Archie and Gil discuss the health of Gil’s teeth
Georgia finds Gil’s heart rate at rest.


Term 4 of Equine will see the students move onto horse back as they receive instruction in the fundamental basics of horse riding from a registered riding instructor. They will also be running the annual Inter-House Show Jumping Competition on 18 November so it’s a busy, hands on term for our students! This horseback program will run in 2023 so interested students can find out more by contacting Mrs Prosser. 


Andrea Riedel Carrison returns to College on 9 October for dressage lessons and we will also welcome Saddle Fitter Beck Kent from Performance Saddle Fits on 4 October. Beck is accepting bookings from our riding community so if you would like to book in, please get in touch and we’ll pass her details on. She will also be speaking with our Middle Years Equine students about the finer points of saddle fit.


We always love to hear your feedback and can be contacted at equestrian@hamiltoncollege.vic.edu.au


Until next time,



Nerrida Prosser

Director of Equine