News from our classrooms


Foundation/1 News

Hola familias,

What a warm week full of positive emotions this has been. Both teachers and students have felt butterflies in their stomach the weekend prior to the desired return to school. The teachers had a surprise up their sleeves. A whole hour full of outdoor physical activities where our students broke the ice in the best way by mingling with their peers and enjoying the warm spring mornings.

Our students forgot about their nervousness and got carried away throughout the days, resulting in joy, engagement, fun stories and laughs.


Grade 2/3 News

We're back! We were so impressed by the resilience and adaptability of students on their return to the classroom yesterday. This week, students showed our Newlands values and participated in various activities where they displayed the NPS keystones 'Los Colaboradores' and 'Los Comunicadores'. Students worked hard together as a class and in small groups to: get to know facts about their peers when playing 'find someone who...' , followed a design process to build a bridge using tooth-picks and playdough, concentrated as a team to build towers using string, rubber bands and cups without touching the cups, word tennis vocab race and moodle mindfulness exercises (to name a few!). It was fantastic to see students problem solving and engaging in group work again!



Grade 4/5/6 are back!

So happy to see the senior part of the school back in action. Socialising and settling back into learning has been the name of the game. Many students have grown, overtaking some teachers especially Srta Lexie. 

Teachers were amazed to see students showing so much care to new students and each other, demonstrating how the core values of Newlands are embedded into their everyday life.