Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Junior Sport Update

The light now shines brightly at the end of the tunnel. Soon we will all be back at school, ready to finish off the year together. With the return to school comes the reintroduction of routine, structure, and the chance to get back in touch with friends. No doubt many of us are looking forward to this. I know I am looking forward to seeing all the boys back in classes and seeing my colleagues out and about at the College. 


Even though it is exciting to be getting closer to a ‘normal’ way of life, the return to school can also be met with some fear and trepidation. When struck with these feelings, we cannot underestimate the power of breathing. In particular diaphragmatic breathing, the way we are designed to breathe. The diaphragm is the main driver in respiration. Through using the diaphragm properly, you will experience a deeper, fuller, and more rewarding breath. When this is done optimally, the lungs expand further, the stomach and lower back move slightly, and individuals may experience an alert calmness. This does take practice however it is well worth the effort. A simple practice is written out below: 


Sitting, lying or standing, place your hands on your stomach. Pay attention to what happens in your body when you are breathing. Can you sense your stomach expanding as you breathe in, and shrinking as you breathe out? Think of your stomach as a balloon. As you breathe in, slowly fill the balloon with air. Pause. As you breathe out, allow all the air to leave the balloon. Focus on this routine and notice the movement of your hand as it sits on your stomach. 


Benefits of this breathing technique may include: 

  • increased oxygen in the body
  • enhanced postural stability
  • clearer, calmer thinking and behaviour
  • fast recovery from high energy movement
  • enhanced self-awareness and inward focus.

I look forward to seeing all the boys back at school next Monday. In the meantime, work hard during the last few days of remote learning, enjoy time over the weekend with family and friends, and don’t forget to take a deep breathe. 


John Locke 

Junior School Coordinator of Co-curricular