Year 12

Year 12 Retreat

Two weeks ago the Year 12s traveled to Rutherford Park, Blampied for our three-day Retreat which allowed us to unwind, de-stress and slow down our very fast paced Year 12 experience.


Ms Jacka, along with our Religious Education teachers, ran a range of activities, competitions, and sing-alongs to allow us to interact as a year level to enjoy our final school camp.


We were involved in small group conversations where we could voice our fears, endeavours and motivators which was a huge lesson to us all.  We may be unaware of the events that go on in the lives of the peers around us each day, and therefore the importance of showing love, kindness and compassion through a small conversation or a smile can truly make the world of difference.

Ms Wallace ran some Zumba classes to start our days, we celebrated Mia and Shakira’s birthdays, acknowledged the importance of achieving balance and stability throughout our year and, we got very competitive in our Homeroom tournaments for the Social Justice (newspaper) Fashion Show and the inaugural Talent Show (where of course Room 18 came out on top!)


We took many things away from our Retreat, including a positive and refreshed outlook, a gratitude and appreciation for the life we live, and a 'nailed' version of the religious sing-along “I am a C”. Whilst some girls went into the getaway with a bit of doubt, we left the retreat knowing it was most definitely one of the highlights of our College experience. 


We would like to thank Ms Jacka, Mr Nash, Mr Dalton and the rest of the Religious Education team and Homeroom teachers who came along, for their support and for the countless hours we imagine they must have spent planning, organising and coordinating the Retreat, and, of course the lovely staff of Rutherford Park who hosted us and provided some of the best food we’ve ever had (definitely better than the meal we had to cook ourselves on Year 8 Camp!)


Keely Ortland  and Josie Rees

Year 12