Health and

Physical Education

Outdoor Education

The Year 9 Outdoor Education class enjoyed the activities at the Melbourne Cable Park on Friday 6 March. They started with the Urban High Ropes course. After being taught how to 'click on and click off' the keys, they quickly moved from level one to level three to try all of the challenges on offer.


They used the ninja steps; balanced on the surfboard; sat at the picnic bench on level three, 17 metres off the ground and finished with a slow decent down the 'leap of faith'.

The girls really encouraged each other and many were surprised at how they overcame some of their fear of heights.


They then participated in the water activity at the Aqua Park. Once again they enjoyed some of the challenges of the obstacles on the water.


Next term they will be participating in a Bike Education unit with the final assessment task being a long ride from Sandridge Beach back to the College.

Year 8 Lifesaving

The girls have enjoyed five weeks of lifesaving skills at Mentone Beach. The weather has been quite unpredictable and inconsistent considering it has been summer. They enjoyed their last class on 17 March, paddling out around the marker and participating in swim wading activities around the poles.


Congratulations to the girls who have participated in every lesson. The skills they have learnt, include CPR and Defibrillator lessons, which will be great skills to have when visiting any beach or waterway.

The Lifesaving Carnival for next week has been postponed until Term 4.


Maree Clark

Year 8 Physical Education Teacher