From the Principal's Desk

Return to School Plan
Welcome back to Term 4!
I hope you all enjoyed some time to relax and re-connect over the term break without having to worry about schooling... where kids can be kids and where mums and dads can be just mums and dads.
As we begin a new term it was great to see so many faces at our assembly on Monday. In fact, Monday's assembly had the most attendees of all our remote assemblies which just goes to show how eager our children are to return to school.
Finally, we have some light at the end of the tunnel with the recent announcement of the Victorian Government's staged return to on-site learning.
It will be a little tricky to navigate but hopefully, it will be smooth sailing!
Last week I sent all families information about the staged return to school. However, in consultation with our Regional Manager, we have been approved to make a few adjustments which should be of benefit.
So, for Corpus Christi School our Return-to School Plan will be as follows:
- Weeks 1 & 2: Mon 4th-Friday 15th Oct
- Continuous Learning Program: Remote and Flexible Learning Program for ALL year levels
- Week 3: Mon 18th- Fri 22nd October
- Monday-Wednesday: Year Prep on-site learning
- Thursday and Friday: Years 1 and 2 on-site Learning
- Week 4: Mon 25th 0ct- Fri 29th Oct
- Monday - Wednesday: Years Prep - 2 on-site learning
- Thursday and Friday: Year 3 -6 on-site learning
- Week 5 Mon 1st - Fri 5th Nov
- Monday: School Closure Day
- Tuesday: Melbourne Cup
- Wednesday: Years Prep - 2 on-site learning
- Thursday: Year 3-6 onsite Learning
- Friday: ALL levels on-site learning
A few things to note:
- Our Continuous Learning Program: Remote and Flexible Learning Program will operate on days when children are not at school.
- All 'specialist classes' will operate on days when children are NOT at school
- Timetables may vary each week to facilitate the staged return. They will be posted on Google Classrooms every Friday in preparation for the week ahead. Please read them carefully.
- To avoid confusion, children are to wear whatever uniform they would normally wear on days when they are at school.
I hope this all makes sense. I will provide further details in the weeks to come and look forward to seeing our children return to school.
Diary Dates
Unfortunately with the prolonged restrictions and the cautious 'reopening of schools, all event dates over the next 5 weeks will need to be postponed or canceled except those which can be held remotely. Rescheduling of Sacrament dates will be made known once restrictions ease and allow for the reintroduction of such events.
As an opportunity to reconnect as a community, Corpus Christi School invites you to join us on an adventure into the world of magic!
On Thursday 14th October at 6:30pm, we invite your whole family to be dazzled by Max the Magician with his amazing magic tricks.
All you will need to do, from the comfort of your own home, is join our Google Meet for an hour of free entertainment!
Be prepared to be amazed, astonished, impressed and flabbergasted by Max’s Magic Show!
This must-see event is not to be missed. Let’s all take some time to relax, laugh and have some fun together.
The event code will be published in your child's Google Classroom next week. We hope to see you all there!
Office Closure & Payments
A reminder to all that as we are not permitted to have visitors (other than essential services and maintenance) come on site the office will remain closed.
Therefore it would be preferred that ALL PAYMENTS be made via direct deposit or over the phone via your credit card. If these aren't a viable option we will accept debit cards via EFTPOS. Please call the office to arrange a time.
Important Notice!
While there has been so much effort being placed into our 'Return to School Plan' we are also well into planning preparations for 2022. So, to assist with staffing and class groupings we really need to know ASAP if there are any families who are NOT returning to Corpus Christi School next year.
Please contact me directly if your child/ren will not be returning in 2022.
Summer Uniform
As families begin their return-to-school preparations, it's time to pull out the shorts and/or summer dresses and give them a wash and an iron ready for the first day back!
That's right, it's Summer Uniform time!
Let's not wait until first day back to realise that your child has grown out of their uniform. Act now!
To purchase items, these are your options:
- 'Click and Collect': Fill out the attached order form, enter your credit card details and return via email to
- Phone order: Call the office directly to place your order. Have your credit card details ready to pay over the phone.
Once your order is packed and ready we will contact you to make a time for collection.
SunSmart: Hats
As we return to school don't forget that in accordance with our SunSmart policy, all children are required to wear their school hat during Term 4 whenever outside. Time to hunt them up and give them a good wash!
Have a wonderful week
God Bless
Anthony Hyde