Caught in the Act

Celebration of our wonderful students who exemplify Sacred Heart School Corryong's Four Pillars: Safe, Respectful and Responsible Learner 

Caught in the Act:


Max- For showing persistence with his work.

Amelia- For completing her work quickly and helping others.



Neve- For helping Mrs K with big jobs around the classroom.

Matilda- For showing a sunny personality and excellent dedication to her work!

Tilly- For demonstrating absolute joy and excitement about the prospect of learning at school. Her enthusiasm is contagious!



Ava- For her ongoing efforts to learn despite all the changes. 

Hayden- For his excellence in his work learning from home. 


Special Mention:

Corby, Chase, Brock and Will for their leadership for our Socktober day.


Principal's Award

The Hooton Family: For their love, care and compassion for all.