Careers News

Changed dates from NESA and UAC for Year 12 students
Due to the later start of the HSC on 9 November, both NESA and UAC have changed the dates for the release of the HSC results, ATARs and dates for changing preferences and releasing offers.
NESA key dates:
- 9 November 2021 - HSC written exams start
- 24 January 2022 - HSC results released
UAC key dates:
Parents and carers are invited to sign up for UAC's parent update to help your child navigate 2022 university entry.
As well as changed dates there is so much information still being sent out to Year 12 students by universities, colleges and TAFE plus a lot of opportunities about jobs, scholarships and so much more. This information is updated weekly on :
- the Careers@McCarthy website’s Newsletter page
- emails to Year 12 students
- the University 2022+ Google Classroom
- the Full time Jobs Google Classroom
Year 12 Revision Workshops
There are several organisations and institutions offering both free and paid revision webinars and lectures covering most subjects . This is has been promoted to our Year 12 students via email and Google Classroom.
Year 10 Job Seekers Program 2021
This term, students who have chosen the opportunity to be part of this program will ideally have:
- Resumes and cover letters ready for potential employers after workshops starting this week
- Guest speakers from TAFE and local employment agencies - either via Zoom or in person depending on COVID guidelines
Work Experience
It has been very disappointing and difficult for students who had work experience organised only to have this unable to proceed due to COVID restrictions in Term 3. As soon as the Catholic Schools Office gives us the opportunity to approve work experience, this will be announced to students.
Year 11 students transitioning into Year 12
At the start of this term I gave a presentation to Year 11 about what to take into consideration if and when considering making changes to patterns of study and levels in certain subjects. Students were shown where to find information if they are considering university pathways and I am increasing the opportunities that I am in the Careers Adviser’s Office at this time to assist and advise students.
Mrs Susan Barrett - Careers Adviser