Specialist News

Physical Education

Term 4 is well underway and the students are loving the variety of physical activities they are doing in P.E each week.

It is fantastic to see the cross curriculum links between Performing Arts and Physical Education with the STOMP lessons, the performance at the conclusion of the program is going to be fantastic. 

Term 4 is relatively quiet for P.E events:

Week 11 - Year 5 & Year 6 Open Water Learning Experience @ Frankston Beach (Friday 15th December)


Year 6 Students vs Staff -  Basketball

To celebrate the end of Term 3 and to coincide with R U OK day the year 6 students put on their basketball jerseys and faced off against the Staff Team - 'Hoops We did it again'. In warm conditions the game was played in good spirits with the rest of the school cheering on.


District Junior Hoop Time - Basketball

In the last week of term 3 we had two teams represent the school at the district tournament at Casey Stadium.

The Future Stars Mixed team had a great day improving each game and making it to the finals. Thankyou to Mrs Scutt for coaching on the day and Lyn Dean for scoring.

The All Star Boys team played their hearts out all day and dug deep in the last two round games to make the final. We came up against a tough Barton team who has beaten us earlier in the day. The determination the boys showed was inspiring to watch and resulted in a nail biting victory. 

 Thankyou to John Barbaressos for scoring.

A big shout of to all the family members that were the best cheer squad these kids could ask for!

Regional  Junior Hoop Time - Basketball

Well done to the Junior Boys Allstar Team who gave it their all at the Regional competition at Dandenong Stadium. The boys played 6 tough matches but showed great resilience when facing teams who were bigger in height. Thanks again to the families who came to support the team. 


Division Athletics

During the last week of term 3 we had 9 students complete at the Casey South Division Athletics carnival. In what turned out to be a very hot day they gave it their all in their various events.

Well done to Lara A who finished 1st in the 1500m and progressed to the Regional carnival where she finished 8th. A super way to finish off a very successful athletics career at C.S.P.S.

Down ball Australia

In the first week of term year 3, 5 & 6 students got to participate in a free Down ball clinic as part of School Sport Victoria's Play program. The students loved this experience and have enjoyed transferring the skills learnt into their break times through the use of the four square courts.

There will be a lunchtime club running on Thursdays break 2 which will allow more time for students to hone their skills and see who can beat Mrs Curtois.


Cricket Clinics

We have been lucky enough to secure funding through Sporting Schools Australia to have cricket coaches come and run a 4 week program with our year 4, year 2 and foundation students. These sessions will take place during their weekly P.E lesson and will focus on throwing, catching and striking in modified games. 


Environmental Studies

We are looking forward to a very busy and interesting Term 4.

Nature Play - The Year 1 and Foundation students have already had a trip over to Sonny's place on the search for bugs! Armed with our trusty magnifying glasses we were looking up high and down low. We found so many slaters (Roly Poly's) under leaves on the ground, some fabulous fungi and beautiful bugs.

I am looking for some Year 2 parents to volunteer with our excursions across the road, the Year 2's currently have Environmental Studies on Wednesdays between 1.50 and 2.40pm. If you are able to assist please contact me via email - reaganf@cranbournesouth.vic.edu.au.

Kitchen - The Year 3's are in the kitchen again for Term 4, we started off by making smoothies! The students made one fruit and one vegetable smoothie, no surprises they liked the fruit one more! 

I am very lucky to have a couple of wonderful helpers in the kitchen but would love to have more. Kitchen lessons run on a Tuesday from 9.00 - 10.30, please contact me via email if you are interested in helping out. 

Garden - Sad news in the garden! We started growing our tomato and cucumbers from seed, we kept them inside so they were nice and warm,  waiting for the frost to clear and sun to warm the soil. Finally we decided to pop them in the ground - all was well until....... a few days later everything was gone! We lead an investigation into what it could be, grubs snails, rabbits or birds. We have decided it must be slaters, so we are going to plant again and try and keep the slaters at bay with some orange peel.

Environmental Science - We are looking into 'Matter' this term and have completed an experiment about the characteristics of solids, liquids and gases. The students have also learnt about chemical reactions with acids and bases and made some bath bombs to take home, hopefully they will fizz!

Artistic Flair

Save the Date: 

CSPS Fiesta- Week 7, Friday 17th November


Preparation for the upcoming Fiesta featuring students artwork right across the school is fully underway! We are very excited about the extra special GARDEN GLOW ROOM where student's artwork will 'glow' in the dark. You will see everything from trees, leaves, flowers, insects to glow in the dark garden gnomes.


Below is the artwork the students have worked on so far. Our main learning intention for this term is for students to create artworks for a specific purpose and audience. This involves taking extra care with presentation, selecting the most appropriate and aesthetically pleasing materials and considering how the artwork will be displayed. 


Foundation: Mixed media flower garden with a watercolour background and paper flowers embellished with black marker.


Year 1/2: FluoroDoodle Bug on a patterned leaf. We are looking at symmetry within patterns in nature and in artwork.


Year 3- Four seasons mixed media 3D tree with fluoro embellishments and giant paper flowers.


Year 4- Paper clay flowers and fluoro pastel leaves focusing on symmetry within nature and artworks.


Year 5/6- Glow Garden Gnomes

Social Wellbeing

The Foundation students have been looking into what makes a friend and listing all the ways they can be a good friend.


Years 1 and 2 have been practicing how to ask to join a game and talking about facial expressions and body clues to understand other people’s emotions. They have also been challenging themselves to stay calm and talk clearly to their friends.


Years 3 and 4 have been looking at communicating clearly to each other. They have also been giving compliments and discussing how it feels to give and receive them. 


Years 5 and 6 have been looking at culture, racism and correct ICT use through a unit on the ABC show Hardball.

R U OK? Walk-a-thon

Staff at Cranbourne South have just completed their 100 km walk-a-thon - starting on Thursday, 14 September and finishing on Friday, 13 October 2023. 


We walked to lead by example and demonstrate the connection between physical exercise and mental health.  We believe students need to have a positive perception of themselves and feel comfortable in the world they live in, that is why mental health is so important.


Donations raised for this fantastic cause went to the R U OK? Organisation.   We are so proud to say, with the support of our wonderful families and community, that we raised $1212 for mental health support.