We are here for the community


School Council met on Wednesday 18th October 2023 online.  Some notables discussion points include: 

  • iSea iCare student presentation
  • Policy student presentation 
  • TheirCare licence extension, including Holiday Program commencing 2024
  • Bushfire At Risk Register continued preparation for fire season
  • 2024 staffing updates
  • Principal class attendance at C4 Network Conference summary
  • Privacy Impact Assessments for use of apps and online platforms
  • Annual Implementation Plan Numeracy progress; examples provided with pre and post student data and Learning Tasks on Compass
  • Upcoming Grounds works relative to new signage around the school, shade sails, bike shed and external painting
  • Inclusion Grant application update

Introducing Jess Curphey

Hi,  my name is Jess. I have 2 boys at CSPS one in grade 5 and one in grade 3.

This is my second year on school council. 

I joined School Council to try and make a difference to policies and procedures and to have a voice of a parent who is in the yard daily talking to other parents around the school hearing their pros and cons about CSPS.

Parent Opinion Survey 

Thank you to the 93 families who completed the Parent Opinion Survey for 2023.  This is a significant rise in participation relative to previous years.  Congratulations to the Foundation and Year 1 families for the highest participation rates.

Participation in annual surveys help schools and the department plan, monitor and evaluate school improvement initiatives. The surveys are aligned with the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes and reflect current research and evidence about what matters most. 


Many of the results shown in the survey were positive and reflect the great work of the CSPS team and community, for example

  • Pride in the Physical Environment - 94%
  • School connectedness - 87% 
  • Promoting Positive behaviour - 84%
  • Respect for diversity - 83%

An area to develop further is teacher communication.


The 2023 AIP goal focused on bulying.  CSPS aimed for a 10% improvement in Managing bullying from 73% to 83% and Non experience of bullying from 58% to 68%.  The feedback you provided indicates that there is still work to be done in this area to achieve our goals.  

Thanks again to the school community members who completed this survey. 

Child Safe Standard #9 - Physical and Online environments 

School Council monitors the Risk Register specific to areas relating to child safety risk in the school buildings or grounds that are not identified and appropriately supervised or managed including:

  • students and staff being advised that the out of bounds areas cannot be supervised such as the location of the three shipping containers which are locked and inaccesible when not in use
  • school grounds are well lit for after school activities 
  • students are required to go to the bathroom with another student during class time 
  • toilets are located in a central area of the school and the entrance and exit has good visibility from other areas of the school

The Yard Duty map relative to the Yard Duty and Supervision Policy is constantly evaluated and updated.