Farewell Soja City
On August 11, Soja City students from Japan began their final preparations for returning home to tell their friends and family about different experiences they had in Australia, as well as to show off their improved English.
The Japanese students saw and did some impressive things, such as learning to play a didgeridoo, cooking Australian food, kicking an Aussie Rules football, bushdancing and making a dot painting. They also participated in a variety of Kew High lessons and for the farewell dinner provided some entertaining performances. However, nothing was as extravagant as witnessing the advanced guitar group’s re-enactment of Joropo, Magpie Rumba, Inspiration and many other fantastic songs. Organised by Mr. Arvanitis the display of skills from many future famous faces such as Howard Aitken, Josh Marra, Todd Dhima and many others was amazing.
The Japanese Farewell Dinner had many different events going on as the guitar group walked through the doors to prepare for their performance. Howard Aitken commented that the group arrived about an hour early and witnessed the Japanese teachers preparing to make the night as special as possible.
As the guests began to enter, everybody was catered for with various cultural dishes such as delectable sushi. After a slide show that showcased the wonderful time that the students had experienced in our country, it was time for Don’t Fret to show off what they had practised.
I was informed that the Japanese students had enjoyed their stay in Australia and got to see and do many different things such as going to Bounce or Clip n’ Climb (one lucky student even got to see the Grampians). The farewell dinner was generally praised, with amazing food and outstanding speeches from the teachers to top off Don’t Fret’s amazing performance.
Wilson Bain Hoare
Year 10 Journalism
Hello Soja City
From 8 September until 23 September, 15 Kew High School students will embark on a trip to Japan. This trip will be for 15 days and will give students the opportunity to practise and improve their Japanese language skills and experience the unique Japanese culture. Students will be attending school in a country town called Soja. They will be staying with a host family for the first part of the trip where they will see what is like to live in Japan.
The second part of the trip will be full of tourist attractions like going on a bullet train and going through the streets of Tokyo. They will also go to the war memorial centre in Hiroshima where students will see what the atomic bomb did to this country and its people. They will also go to many ancient temples and learn many truths about the fearless samurai. Last but not least, Tokyo Disneyland, where students will see all the fun and magic in “the happiest place on earth.”
I am one of the students who will be going on this study tour and I can’t wait. My host buddy’s name is Kohei and he is 14 years old. He has a little sister Chika who is 12 and their dog. I will be living with them for a week and can’t wait to meet them in person.
Stefan Koukounaras
Year 10 Journalism