A Note from Musicland

It is sometimes amazing to think about how much we achieve at school within the 10 weeks of one term and this term, has indeed been a productive and busy one for all who dwell in Musicland.


There have been a number of high quality performances including the school production which involved 9 students and 4 staff in the band. The music for Hairspray was a very large part of the show, 25 musical numbers in total, but it was challenging and rewarding for all involved; as well as being a lot of fun.


  Other performances included:

  • The Advanced Guitar Ensemble performing at the Classical Guitar Society performance evening at the MLC auditorium.
  • The Advanced Guitar Ensemble performing at the Japanese Farewell dinner.
  • The Senior Concert Band performing at the welcome assembly for the Japanese sister school visitors.
  • Kew’s Got Talent: lunchtime concert organised by Eddy, Alex and Marc, our year 12 Music Captains
  • The Jazz and Swing Night at the Clyde Hotel which featured the Stage Band, the Jazz Band, individual items and the advanced guitars.
  • Lunchtime concerts.

Next we will be involved in the preparations, and performances, for Presentation Night, Q UP-our annual concert and Music Camp-the sequel.


Our year 12 VCE Music Performance students will also be completing their final performance exams.


 I look forward to seeing you at our many performances.


Judy Bartosy

Director of Music