Prenatal Health
On Tuesday 6 September, the Year 11 Health and Human Development class visited the Mercy Hospital for Women. The Education Department at the Mercy offered us a two hour educational session based around prenatal health – similar to the antenatal classes offered to parents to be. We were given the opportunity to further develop our knowledge on the prenatal stages, especially the growth and development of a baby. We also got to see a detailed video of labour and birth.
We were introduced to first-time mother, Caroline, and her new born baby, Maggie, who was less than 24 hours old. We were also given the opportunity to look at a real-life placenta that had been delivered only an hour ago and to hold in our hands life-sized models of foetuses (from 6, 10 and 20 weeks).
Overall, the excursion to the Mercy was an incredible learning experience where we all gained some valuable information that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives.
Victoria Grey
Year 11 HHD