Tournament of Minds
On Saturday, August 20 a team of Kew High Students competed in Tournament of the Minds in the Social Sciences division. The team consisted of: Elliot Aitken, Finnegan Comte-Harvey, Aaron Korczak-Krzeczowski, Daniel Li, Oscar Kemp, Lorne Whytcross, and Max Thomson. The team worked hard over six weeks to prepare an answer and dramatic response to an enigmatic prompt as well as developing teamwork skills to answer a spontaneous challenge under timed conditions. They worked very well and won Honours in the Tournament. Well done!
Kathryn Tucker
Enrichment Coordinator
Lego Engineering
'This session of Lego Engineering was fun and it helped us to be creative and to build stuff outside the box. It also helped to test our skills. We got to meet new people to socialise with as well.'
Maxwell Moradi and Vincent Bethlehem 8E