Riley Chamberlain-Ward

From the Chaplain

Term 3 has been a fun filled time at Kew High School.  There have been many exciting  events and programs involving chaplaincy.


Lunch Time Homework Group

 Each Tuesday and Thursday the Chaplain ran a lunchtime homework group for year 7 and 8 students in room 106.  This is a supervised session where students can get assistance for homework from any subject.  We have had a great turn out this term with up to 25 students attending each session. 



Thursday 8 September was RUOK Day.  The aim of RUOK Day is to “inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them and support anyone struggling with life”.  The year 7 & 8 students learnt about the day during their regular connect session and the whole school community had the opportunity to celebrate and enjoy life during the lunchtime festival.  The lunchtime activities took place in the quadrangle and included a sausage sizzle, music and free rides.  The event was funded and supported by SRC, Chaplaincy, Q Network and Student Wellbeing. 


Chaplaincy Second-Hand Book and Uniform Shop

The shop is over flowing with clothing stock.  We all love a bargain so drop in to the shop on Tuesdays 12:20 – 1:10pm and you will find a huge supply of stock. Before you rush out and buy that new summer dress or short sleeve shirt send your child to the shop and our parent volunteers will help them find any needed uniform from our large supply. Items can be put on hold for up to two weeks, payment can be made by cheque, cash, credit or EFTPOS. It couldn’t be easier to sort out uniforms and text books for your child at up to half the price of purchasing items new.

Chaplaincy Fundraising

 Did you know that the Kew High School Chaplaincy does not receive Federal government funding?  Each year the Chaplaincy Committee and the School raise all of the funds to pay for the Chaplaincy program.  Thanks to the commitment of a wonderful group of volunteers each year the Chaplaincy Committee raises over $38000.


Rosemary Carter

School Chaplain