STEM Education
STEM Education aims to integrate the four cohesive disciplines of Maths, Science, Technology and Engineering as an interdisciplinary approach to learning where students deal with concepts and real world problems. Students are shown ways to apply the scientific method to everyday life, focus on problem solving and developing 21st century skills.
Over this year, Kew High School has been researching STEM and its importance in the world, specifically in Australia and the implications for Kew High School. School Council has been in discussion about the establishment of a STEM centre to support STEM Education and there are indeed future implications for what we will offer in the school, the partnerships we form, our facilities and our pedagogy.
In April, Professor Ian Chubb, former Chief Scientist, came in for a day to speak with both staff and students about STEM Education and in 2017 we will have our first Year 12 STEM Captain. We are also fortunate to be partnered with Professor Leon Sterling, an advocate for ICT and STEM through our involvement with the Principal for a Day program.
Investment in STEM disciplines is increasingly seen as important in countries worldwide, in schools, tertiary institutions and industry. The Chief Scientist’s report Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: Australia’s Future, has provided fresh momentum for a national focus on STEM education and made reference to the history of STEM in Australia.
The Australian Government is also now promoting STEM in a variety of ways and putting it front and centre, for example, with the National Innovation and Science Agenda. The links to our economy and to the future world of work are documented.
Further information about the National Innovation and Science Agenda is available on
Clare Entwisle