Introducing the New School Captains

Artwork by Denzel Vaghani, Year 10, The Ridgeway Campus

Plenty Campus School Captain’s Address


By Sam Bevacqua and Aroha Gupta, Year 12, Plenty Campus



Hi everybody, my name is Aroha Gupta and I will be one of your School Captains for 2022. A couple of fun facts about me are that I am a major foodie, I really enjoy learning about the law, public health and business, I love rewatching ‘The Office’ over and over again and I am super excited to have the opportunity to be one of your School Captains this year! 

As someone who has been at Ivanhoe since Year 7, joining co-curricular activities and applying for leadership positions has been a major highlight in my school life, which I know can be said for many other people. 


As such, here are some little pieces of advice I have to offer for anyone interested in getting involved, with the first one being, be yourself! The most important thing you can do while trying out for new roles and opportunities is to be as true to yourself as possible. Therefore, if you love acting, then go try out for the school production because you enjoy it! If playing footy or basketball takes your fancy, why not pursue those interests in Saturday sports! 


By taking advantage of the opportunities Ivanhoe has to offer and by being yourself, not only do you expand your capabilities, it helps you in building your confidence, hence bringing me to my second piece of advice; be confident! When you are confident, it helps you to see things in a new light and allows you to display courage, a few qualities I believe to be of paramount importance in being a good leader.


Overall, I am super excited to get to meet many of you this year and make 2022 the most incredible year yet!



My name is Sam Bevacqua I’ll be alongside Aroha as your 2022 School Captain. Owing to the fact I joined this school in Year 5 and have since gone through senior school with many of you I should be a familiar face. Here are some things you should know about me;

  • I am a caffeine addict
  • I’m a Manchester City supporter
  • I love all forms of History and will probably end up being a History teacher.

I know both Aroha and I are incredibly honoured to have the role of School Captain and will endeavour to represent the School with integrity and passion. We have many goals for 2022 and it’s shaping up to be one of the more hopeful years we’ve had in recent times. 


With that being said, if you see us around in the schoolyard or if we do a co-curricular activity together, we encourage you to come up and introduce yourself to us and say hello. 


I hope you all have had a smashing start to ECP thus far, and are all very excited for what 2022 has to offer for everyone!


Plenty Campus Prefects of 2022
Plenty Campus Prefects of 2022

The Ridgeway Campus School Captain's Address


By Ruby Grinter and Luke Malara, Year 12, The Ridgeway Campus



I think both Luke and I can agree that this whole “Captain” thing is taking a while to sink in, but we are both incredibly grateful. The whirlwind that is ECP at Ivanhoe has meant we have taken up the role as quickly as we have all the rest of the new Year 12 responsibilities, but it didn’t quite hit us until the first assembly we ran with the Prefects. I know we both want to kickstart the year as best we can, and with the Prefect team we have, it’s safe to say we lucked out. I have absolute faith in them as representatives of our year, and their ability to coordinate with the Class of 2022 - as well as the rest of the School. We want to emphasise our appreciation of everyone at Ivanhoe and reiterate what we promised when we applied for the role; we are in this for you, not for us. We want to create space for everyone in the School to be themselves, and to do so we hope you all let us know exactly what you need to feel your best, confident self. Here’s to a more normal 2022!



Without a doubt, it is a great honour to be appointed the role of School Captain and it is to the great pleasure of both Ruby and myself to do everything in our power over the next year to provide students with a platform to voice their opinions. Everyone at our school has different interests, backgrounds, and opinions however we are all united in working together as a school community. After the significant disruptions over the past two years, we hope to find numerous ways to reconnect with each other and make up for lost time spent together as a whole school. There will be so many opportunities available over the next year and it is our role to make these as amazing as possible for everyone. If anyone ever needs any assistance or would like to suggest any new school initiatives, please don’t hesitate to approach us; our role is to represent you, so the voices of everyone are always welcome. Thanks!!

The Ridgeway Campus Prefects of 2022
The Ridgeway Campus Prefects of 2022