Religious Education 


Be strong, and let your heart take courage,

 all you who hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24 

Dear Parents and Caregivers


Last Monday the students at St Bede's gathered in the Church to celebrate the second week of Advent. Some of the Year Two students shared their connections between Sieger Koder's  painting of "The Nativity and Luke's Infancy Narrative.



Here are some of their responses below:


Connor: In the picture I can see a baby wrapped in cloths lying in a manger. My connection to Luke's Gospel is I think that he is Jesus after Mary gave birth to him and wrapped him in cloth.


Sebastian: In the picture I can see a man praising a baby Jesus. I think he is a shepherd. My connection to Luke's Gospel is the shepherds. The Shepherds were scared of the angel but the angel was just trying to tell them something about Jesus. The angel wanted to tell the shepherds that Mary is going to birth a baby named Jesus.


Isaac P: In the picture I can see the star shining on Jesus. My connection to Luke's Gospel is that I think the star is shining on Jesus because he was going to be a leader.


Mya: In the picture I can see Mary, Jesus, Joseph, a star, grass and hay. My connection to Luke's Gospel is that a baby is wrapped in cloth and I can see Mary has a baby and she is pregnant in the Gospel. 


Sophia: In the picture I can see a baby wrapped in cloth and I can see a lady holding a baby and Joseph sleeping. My connection to Luke's Gospel is that I think the baby was just born and I think the baby is Jesus.


Ivy: In the picture I can see Mary, baby Jesus, a blue light and a lady praying. My connection to Luke’s Gospel is that Mary gave birth to Jesus. Mary wrapped Jesus in baby clothes and put him in a manger. I think the star in the picture represents the angels in Luke’s Gospel


Julian: In the picture I can see Mary blessing baby Jesus. In the story he is born in a manger.





Tomorrow the Year 3/4 students will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Year 3/4 N and  3/4 K will celebrate the sacrament at 10 am.  Year 3/4 J will celebrate the sacrament at  2pm. Parents of these students are welcome to attend this ceremony in the Church. Please keep these students in your prayers.



Mini Vinnies Appeal

Please keep an eye out for information regarding the Mini Vinnies appeal for Christmas food and gifts. This will be sent home soon.


Have a lovely week


(Religious Education Leader)