It's the Principal. 

News and words of wisdom from our Yarrabah Principal.

Dear students, families, and cares,


2021 was a year of learning at school, at home and in the community. Despite the pandemic, 2021 was a historical year. It was the first year after rebuild we had use of all the school facilities. All staff and students were excited to begin the year thinking the 2020 lockdowns where finally behind us. We had new places to learn in and new people to meet and learn alongside. We began the year fresh from a great summer holiday, ready to leap into new groups, new teachers and exciting new facilities. 

Unfortunately during the year we experienced repeated lock downs and even a school closure due to COVID19. Our school community rallied and supported each other during these difficult times, in remote and flexible learning, through check-ins online and physically at school, on campus. School learning packs were delivered to students’ doors, staff checked in and used our communication supports to keep everyone informed and we provided supportive learning options for those that could not learn from home on campus over the entire year.

Even though we experienced significant adversity, we relished the opportunity to explore new opportunities and grow as a school. We started swimming in the hydrotherapy centre during 2021 and managed to teach students in Upper Junior and Lower junior over two terms. We developed a new swimming program, and it was taught by two teachers in the pool. The program was a huge hit with students. Unfortunately, the middles student swimming schedule was impacted, but we managed to end the year with some swimming for them as well.

Physiotherapy and hydrotherapy started again. After what seemed like an eternity, our physios were back in the water with students that really needed the extra therapy. We maximised the use of the new hoist facilities and change areas to provide an amazing return for these students, each week.

This year students had many opportunities to participate and enjoy physical education in our new purpose-built hall. The students in the secondary years had regular PE lessons in this space and those from other sections of the school used the hall for PE, basketball, games, lunch and play times as well. We held a disability expo from this space and it was a huge success. We also ran some school assemblies, a modified onsite version of our school formal and school disco’s.

The purposed built and designed PMP rooms opened this year at Yarrabah School. Students from the EEP and Lower junior were scheduled over the week to work with the physios in the PMP room. New equipment was purchased and the set up of the room, specifically for PMP has been fantastic. All our students have enjoyed these spaces and developed new capabilities.

The school also welcomed back the Art Room, Music Room and Therapy spaces. After two years of not having a dedicated space for the Visual Arts, students returned to this loved area and again began making and creating. We even worked closely with Kilbreda College students to produce an amazing mural that will feature in our front courtyard for years to come. Art classes resumed and the students were able to make some amazing things with Jennifer. 

Students also welcomed the return of a dedicated music room. A dedicated purpose-built music space was now available for students to learn the art of song, dance, and instrumental music. Siobhan continually updated the resources in this room during the year and we were able to open the room as a stage for public events, school assemblies and presentations. The space was used for the school formal and graduation ceremonies.

The school enjoyed the new café. The café opened for families, students, and staff alike. We were lucky to have several staff and community volunteers make coffees for staff, mums, dads and carers in the morning and afternoon. The café was popular and used by Occupational Therapists to teach students how to prepare beverages. It was also used by different committees for catering purposes. The café was named Mill Street Café and may develop into a small school based enterprise into the future for our local community, staffed by work experience or secondary pathways students.

The students were all introduced to the new Crash and Bash space. This has become a favourite place to regulate, practice balance and calm like a ninja warrior, in a safe and comfortable environment. Our Occupational Therapy team worked hard to set up this space through the year with new equipment and visuals to match. Students from across the school have really enjoyed this space and communicated its importance for them in being regulated before they are educated. 

The Occupational Therapist have also been busy setting up a new therapy room called the ‘………” This room is for students that require a calm place to refocus, assisting them to be ‘ready to learn’. Both rooms are located in the creativity centre, formally known as the BER.

Speaking about creativity, and hands on learning, this year the school ventured down a new specialisation. The school introduced students to ‘Life Sciences’. Across the year, our Life Science teacher, was tasked with developing a brand-new facility. The Life Science room now includes a variety of living things, small animals, plants, fun science resources and interesting hands-on lessons. The life science room is carefully located next to our new horticulture precinct. This subject has fast become a favourite amongst the primary age and will be introduced more in secondary during 2022.

The horticulture precinct was identified and started in 2021. Yarrabah has always been renowned for its love of things green, growing produce and beautiful plants. In years gone by the grounds were adorned by a variety decorative plants and vegetable gardens. We have begun a new era in horticulture during 2021, allocating a substantial plot of land for the focus on horticulture and permaculture. Yarrabah School now has a permanent garden to kitchen area that will increasingly target eco-friendly processes.

Students in the secondary and some middles were also fortunate enough to begin using the Manual Activities centre. This centre is purpose built for wood technology, printing and other activities that require the use of tools and different materials. Students have used this space over the year for a variety of purposes and it is proving a very flexible learning environment.

There were many restrictions placed on what we could do in 2021. It was great to remember that this year also provided opportunities for students to experience new facilities, and new programs that had previously not been available. The focus on programs in school was a major point of difference this year. That and the need to stay in our section and work with staff closely, has helped to build great learning communities and friendships.

This year can be remembered as the year Yarrabah School opened its facilities and programs back up. Even though we might not have been able to explore our local communities, we were able to utilise the many great new facilities on offer. 

I would like to thank all the efforts of my staff this year, for what has been one of constant change and pivoting to new directives and guidelines. They have been fantastic.

I would also like to thank the families and students for showing great resilience and faith in their school community. We learnt much together this year and will take these learnings into our lives beyond the pandemic.

I also pass on our sincere thanks and heartfelt congratulations to all school graduates. You have been amazing ambassadors over the final years of school at Yarrabah. We are so proud of the people you have become. We travelled beside you and your families, learnt valuable lessons with you and watched you take important steps towards independence and adulthood. You will be missed by all and welcome to visit sharing your next adventure with us anytime.


Kind Regards,

Matthew Harris
