P&C News

P&C News

2021 has been a busy year and the P&C has been proud to fund many worthy projects within the school. 

New choir uniforms, musical instruments, playground equipment, faction carnival awards and equipment, and books for end of year award recipients were all funded by the P&C due to the fantastic support of our school community at all of our events and fundraisers. We hope to continue our work in 2022 and we already have some events lined up. The annual Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls are already on the calendar as well as the return of the very popular colour run and we will be adding cookie dough fundraising and an Easter hat parade to our year. There will be many more events and we hope to have something to please everyone.


The P&C wants to thank all the volunteers who give their time and energy to our fantastic school. We hope to see everyone back in the new year and we would love to welcome some new members.


Finally the P&C would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and safe return to school in the new year.



Thursday 16 December is the last day of school and also our last fundraiser. A Christmas themed free dress day to get everyone really excited for the Christmas break. It will be a gold coin donation to come to school dressed up in your best Christmassy fashions! Tinsel and bells are encouraged!!



Uniform Shop Open Day: Put it on your calendar and don’t forget! Thursday 27 January 2022 9am-12 noon. All uniform items will be available so you can restock for the new year. Eftpos payment will be available and cold drinks will be on offer for $2.



Next Meeting AGM will be held on Monday February 14 2022 7pm in the staff room.

This is the Annual General Meeting where the P&C votes in a new committee and begins planning for the year. We have expressions of interest but we still need more members to fill our committee. If you or anyone you know has a desire to help us out and take on a position, contact us at marangaroopandc@gmail.com. We cannot function without a full team of enthusiastic volunteers, everything the P&C does is to improve our children’s school experience. Come join us and be involved.  All are welcome and very much encouraged.


 If you have any questions about the Marangaroo P&C or want to know more contact us at marangaroopandc@gmail.com or call/ text Mike on 0414 344 863