Welcome to 


The M Chat Issue 16

Messages from the Front Office

Happy Holidays 

The Front office team, Karen, Christine and Carmen would like to extend their best wishes to all MPS families for a safe and happy summer break.  Thank you to the families that are involved in the P&C, School Board, Playgroup and other volunteers who work tirelessly through out the year to contribute to providing support and exciting opportunities to our students.


We look forward to working with you all in 2022. 

Lost Property 

There are a number of items of lost property that have been handed into the office and remain unclaimed. Please refer to the pictures below and come to the officeif these items belong to your child. Please also remember to check the green lost property box in the undercover area if you are missing uniform items. 

As you may be purchasing new uniform items for growing children, please ensure that they are clearly labeled with their name so that items can be easily reunited with students. 


Horseshoe Kiss 'n Ride

For the safety and convenience of all kiss 'n ride users, please remain with your vehicle at all times. This is strictly a NO PARKING area. 


If you arrive late to school and wish to accompany your child/ren to the office you must park in designated parking areas not in the kiss n' ride as it inconveniences others who are using the facility correctly.

Online Payments

Reminder: If you are making direct deposits to the school account for excursions or voluntary contributions can you please ensure that you provide a reference that includes the students initial, surname and year group to allow for timely processing. 

For example: J Citizen yr 1

BSB: 066 040 

Account: # 19905042


Tiny Sparks WA Donations

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our school community for all the wonderful contributions to our donation request on behalf of Tiny Sparks WA.  All items donated will find a much needed recipient and help a family who is going through a high-risk pregnancy or has a baby that was born unwell or premature.  Brianna Sacker who represents the charity collected the donations today and will be taking them in to Tiny Sparks WA on our behalf.


Thanks again everyone, it showed once again what a giving community we have at MPS.


Brianna Sacker with student leaders Caitlin Ludwick and Yonis Muhumed and the donations headed to Tiny Sparks WA
Brianna Sacker with student leaders Caitlin Ludwick and Yonis Muhumed and the donations headed to Tiny Sparks WA


Artwork by Kenneth Dawson

Have you looked at the finished mural on the library wall facing the oval?  It is fabulous and we must acknowledge our AIEO staff member, Kenneth Dawson, for his design, talent and leadership in assisting some of our students to contribute their little part in the mural.


Talented artist Kenneth Dawson
Signed and dated
Talented artist Kenneth Dawson
Signed and dated