From the Principal 

Mr Michael Horne

From my very first visit to the College last year, I have been asked about Sheepvention – Do I know what it is? Will I go? Am I excited? (…the answers being not really, yes, and yes). The enormous marquees are rising across the oval, and I know that a number of students across the school are looking forward to seeing, showing and talking about all things sheep. Monday is a student-free day to allow students to attend this important community and business event, and I look forward to seeing many of you there. 


Last week’s visit from a group of students Nanjing Qinhuai Central Primary School was an unqualified success. I am grateful to all staff who were involved or who had the visiting students in their classes, and especially to Mr Gong for facilitating the connection with the group. The Nanjing students were amazed at the space and beauty of the Myrniong Campus and the freedoms enjoyed by students in Hamilton; a number even called their parents during the week asking if they could come back to the board and study with us. I hope that they do. 


Another exciting and challenging opportunity is on the horizon for our Year 9 students as part of their unique year-long program. On Sunday morning, the first group will depart for Mittagundi, an off-gird and back-to-basics program in Victoria’s High Country in the Glen Valley above Omeo. The program forces students out of their comfort zone, off their phones, and back to the simple rhythms of unadorned work and connection with each other. I wish them and their accompanying staff well for the weeks ahead.